12YO Boy Has to Go Through Surgery After a Car Hit Him in CCK

A 12-year-old boy was hit by a car in Choa Chu Kang Avenue 7 on 11 September 2022. He suffered injuries on his knee and had just undergone surgery.

The boy, Nabil Elrizky Putra, was supposed to take his Primary School Leaving Examinations (PSLE) on 16 September 2022.

However, he would be using his results from the preliminary exams if he is not fit enough to take his papers.

How did The Incident Happen 

His mother, Madam Nora, 39, said that she would usually accompany her son to visit her father’s home during the weekend. The flat is located just across the road from her own flat.

However, Madam Nora had a fall that day so Nabil went alone to his grandfather’s house.

Madam Nora was informed by her sister that Nabil had met with a car accident. She accompanied her son in the ambulance which took him to the hospital. Nabil was still conscious when he was taken to the hospital.

Madam Nora said that she was upset but she did not think too much as she was more worried about her son, who also suffered a head injury.

“So far, he has no internal injuries… but I will monitor his condition over the next few days,” she said.

Police Investigations are Ongoing 

Madam Nora tried to get more information about the accident from the driver. However, the driver was reluctant to share the dashcam footage of the accident.

She also added that she appealed to the public for any witness to the incident.

Police investigations are ongoing.

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Featured Image: Nora Z Lina Rahmat / Facebook & Google Maps