Over 150 People Evacuated from AMK HDB Block Due to a Gas Leak

A tragedy almost manifested on Friday at Ang Mo Kio.

Fortunately, the tragedy was averted thanks to a couple of alert residents and the help of the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF).

A gas leak near an HDB block in Ang Mo Kio caused more than 150 people to be evacuated. Here’s what you need to know.

Over 150 People Evacuated from Ang Mo Kio HDB Block Because of a Gas Leak

On Friday, some residents living at Block 401 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 10 picked up on the pungent smell of gas at about 8pm.

Well, at least they didn’t mix the smell of gas with the smell of durian. You would be astounded at the number of times the King of Fruits has been responsible for gas leak warnings.

Approximately two hours later, at 10pm, residents on the lower floors got a surprise visit from the police, urging them to shut their windows. At the same time, the SCDF was notified of a gas leak at the HDB block.

At this point, we’re just surprised the Purge siren hasn’t gone off yet.

The police officers, however, returned half an hour later to evacuate more than 150 residents to an open area some distance away from the affected HDB block.

Water Jets Used by SCDF to Disperse Gas

Once the SCDF personnel arrived at the scene, the residents’ worst fears were confirmed: there was a gas leak.

But how did the SCDF figure out that there was a gas leak? No, they didn’t light a match to see if there was an explosion.

There are hazardous materials sensors on the SCDF fire engines, allowing personnel to determine whether there is gas in the air.

Fortunately, the team of SCDF personnel were prepared. The SCDF personnel used a water jet to disperse the gas in the air, averting what could have been a tragedy.

The affected residents eventually managed to return home safely by about 12:30am on Saturday. Just enough time to binge a few more episodes of Single’s Inferno before bed.

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Only one resident was reported to be unwell, although the resident subsequently declined to be taken to the hospital. Perhaps they’re itching to go home and watch Single’s Inferno too.

Gas Leak Likely Related to Waste System Improvement Works

The gas leak was reportedly related to improvement works being done on the waste system.

If you walk around the HDB blocks in the vicinity, you’ll spot a few notices relating to works being done on the waste conveyance system in the area.

It’s a one-for-one trade—goodbye to the foul odour of garbage, hello to the pungent smell of gas.

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