Another Video of a Person Tossing ofo Bike Emerged; This Time Crazier & Weirder

The bike-sharing bicycle abuse saga is like Days of Our Lives: it just goes on and on, and just when you think it’s going to be over with ofo’s new regulations, another video has emerged, and this time, it’s crazier.

Now, to be fair, this could have happened in May, or maybe not (read on because it’s just as confusing as Days of Our Lives), but the video has just been made public recently.

So, just a recap: last month (May 2017), an oBike was found in a canal in Punggol. The general manager of oBike Singapore then said that they were investigating the matter and would be making a police report.

oBike is the only bike-sharing firm that is homegrown from Singapore: both ofo and Mobike are found in China.

Anyway, back to the topic: a month passed, and more reports of people abusing bicycles from bike-sharing firms emerged, with the latest being a boy tossing an ofo bike from a high-rise HDB block.

And yesterday (18 June 2017), this was trending all over Facebook.

In the video that pieced several Snapchat videos together, a shirtless man was seen riding a yellow bike inside an empty MRT station, The caption indicated that it was in Punggol. He was also seen riding just somewhere: very normal except for the fact that he was shirtless.

But the shocker is obviously the part when he tossed the bike over the railing of a canal—almost effortlessly. And he timed it as if he had wanted to be in filmed: after all, he stared into the camera like a boss after that.

Here’s the question: if this happened in Punggol, then is it the bike that was found last month? But then again, according to reports, the previous bike was from oBike.

This bike, according to The Straits Times, was understood to be from ofo, and they also alleged that it happened on 15 June 2017. That kind of made sense because in the initial part of the video, there’s a footage of a banana ice-cream cone that looks like it’s from McDonald’s, and that was only introduced to Singapore on 8 June 2017.

If that is the case, it meant there’re now two cases of bike-sharing bikes being thrown into a canal in Punggol.

That would have meant that Punggol could be the new Yishun.

Either that, or when ofo bikes died, they turned into oBikes (???).

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