11YO Required 3 Stitches After Swimming in Bedok Swimming Pool

Last Updated on 2023-03-07 , 11:06 am

As parents, one of our worst fears is probably our children accidentally hurting themselves.

Unfortunately, that happened to an 11-year-old girl last June after she accidentally cut her feet on a protruding tile at the Heartbeat@Bedok swimming pool.

However, her parents now claim that the pool’s management has been completely apathetic towards the situation. They have since come forth with their story and disapproval of the management’s attitude.

Here’s what happened.

Daughter Accidentally Kicked Protruding Tile in Swimming Pool

When speaking to Shin Min Daily News, Mr Huang (Hanyu pinyin) recounted how he and his wife brought their son and daughter to the Heartbeat@Bedok swimming pool on 19 June last year.

During her swim, their 11-year-old daughter accidentally kicked a protruding tile at the bottom of the swimming pool.

The girl cried and told her parents that her foot was hurting, and her mother promptly checked on the area.

According to Mrs Huang, her daughter’s foot was bleeding profusely when she checked.

She added that her daughter was crying but still told her to remind other children in the area to be careful and not hurt themselves.

Lifeguard Sprang Into Action After Daughter Got Injured

Apart from that, she mentioned that the lifeguard at the swimming pool came to their assistance promptly and helped disinfect her daughter’s wound.

The lifeguard also told her that her daughter’s injury was severe and that Mrs Huang should immediately bring her to the hospital.

Mrs Huang recalled how she was extremely flustered and that her mind went blank.

Seeing that no one had called an ambulance for them, she took a taxi with her daughter to the hospital.

Based on Mrs Huang’s recount, her daughter only stopped bleeding after they reached the hospital. Her daughter ended up getting three stitches on her foot as a result of the injury.

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Parents are Displeased at How Management Reacted to the Situation

After the incident, Mrs Huang returned to the swimming pool and went to the office to inform the management about what had happened to her daughter.

She also expressed her wishes for the management to cordon off the area in the swimming pool for the time being.

However, Mrs Huang claimed that not only did the staff not cordon off the area, but they also failed to express any concern regarding her daughter’s injuries.

According to her, the staff even asked Mrs Huang why she did not call for an ambulance.

At the end of their conversation, the staff member simply told her to submit the receipt for her daughter’s medical bills.

However, even though Mr and Mrs Huang submitted the receipts in July last year, they only received a response from the management in November.

The management also did not express concern for their daughter’s injury.

Mrs Huang then said that the way that the management dealt with the issue was wrong. They failed to show any concern for an incident that happened at their premises and only told her to submit the receipts for her daughter’s medical bills.

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Featured Image: Shin Min Daily News