Bentley Driver in Red Swastika School Incident to be Charged; Car Belonged to Son & Had Altered Car Plate

We’re finally getting some closure for the Red Swastika School incident, and it turns out that both the driver and his son will be charged.

Reader Bao: Wait, but the son was not in the car what? Why arrest the son leh? 

Well, Reader Bao, that’s because the son is the owner of the Bentley.

But before we get into the details, let’s recap what happened first.

Wait, What Happened?

For those of you who have a goldfish memory like me and need a refresher, you can watch the video below:

In the short 23-second video taken on 11 January, you can see the person in the co-pilot seat arguing with the security officer and teacher first while swinging around his red phone before he gets back into the car.

Then, without any regard for the security officer in his way, the driver proceeds to move forward twice. He continuously tested the limits until the teacher leans into the open side window to say something, presumably in warning.

Worst still, as you watch the video carefully, you can clearly see the security officer getting injured by the slight impact. He had to grip onto his right knee while bracing his left hand on the hood of the car. Thankfully, the 62-year-old security officer Mr Neo Ah Whatt only sustained minor injuries.

The car was eventually allowed into the school, and the driver was later arrested and investigated for the offence of rash act causing hurt.

Vehicle Number Plate Altered, Drove Without Insurance Coverage 

In a statement on 10 May, the Singapore Police Force and the Land Transport Authority said that the 61-year-old driver and his 28-year-old son, the owner of the Bentley, will face charges.

Follow-up investigations found that Bentley’s number plate was altered. Additionally, the driver had driven the car without insurance coverage.

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The driver will be charged with committing a rash act causing hurt, and with driving a vehicle without insurance coverage.

If found guilty of committing a rash act causing hurt, the driver can be jailed up to one year, fined up to $5,000, or both.

The son will be charged with altering the licence plate number, and allowing another person to use the vehicle without insurance coverage.

For the former offence under the Road Traffic Act, he may be jailed for up to one year, fined $5,000, or both.

The offence of permitting to use, or using, a vehicle without insurance could lead to imprisonment of up to three months, fined up to $1,000, or both.

Additionally, offenders will not be able to hold or obtain a driving licence for 12 months.

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