Boy Caught on Camera Throwing Cat Down from 22nd Floor in Boon Lay HDB Flat

Lately, the gloomy weather has seen Singapore rain cats and dogs. Some hate it; some like it. 

For one person, his love was so great that he tried to make it rain cats in broad daylight. 

Boy Caught on Camera Throwing Cat Down from 22nd Floor in Boon Lay HDB Flat

On 15 December, a cat was thrown off an HDB building. If you guessed Yishun, you’d be wrong this time. 

The incident happened in Boon Lay, but the fact that it’s not Yishun isn’t even the most shocking part. 

So, what is it? 

It’s that a young boy committed it. 

Catty boy. 

In a video posted on Facebook, a boy, not older than 12, was seen hurling a defenceless cat down an HDB block. Following the video, it was reported that the cat killer committed his deed at the 22nd storey of Block 186 Boon Lay Avenue. 

As the CCTV footage begins, it shows the boy exiting the elevator and making his way to the ledge. He chases the cat that runs out of the elevator and catches it in his arm. 

Like a practiced criminal, he scans his surroundings for any onlookers. 

Wouldn’t want anyone to find out about the crime, right? 

Image: Feline/ Facebook
Image: Feline/ Facebook

After ensuring the coast was clear, Changi Prison’s future shot put champion tossed the innocent black cat off the ledge and strolled away nonchalantly.

Image: Feline/ Facebook

In the video, a loud thud was heard after the throw, likely signalling the cat’s touchdown.

Kitty litter, killer litter.  

For the remainder of the video, the boy strolled around the crime scene, trying to play his crime off cool. 

Image: Feline/ Facebook

Unfortunately, the cat has died. 

Fortunately, the boy has been arrested. 

Boy Should Be Sent to Jail

Needless to say, everyone was triggered. 

The caption of the video described the boy as “satan”, saying that “serial killers usually start with abusing animals first.”

Many condemned the boy for his sadistic actions, saying that he was a psychopath. 

Image: Feline/ Facebook

They asked for him to be severely punished and even sent to prison.

Boys’ home, maybe? 

People also expressed pity and concern for the cat. 

Image: Feline/ Facebook

One sharp-eyed user even pointed out that the cat, because it has a bell collar, was the cat of someone else, and not a community cat. In other words, the boy literally killed off someone’s property. 

Image: Feline/ Facebook

The Facebook post also said that the boy tried to update his kitty kill streak to two and was caught, now in police custody. 

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What Now?

The original post has gone viral and at the time of writing has been shared over 1.6 thousand times. 

SPCA has informed via Facebook of its awareness of the case. In response, the organisation has issued a statement. 

They wrote: “We are deeply disturbed by the actions captured in the footage

“Animal abuse and cruelty have no place in our society. We stand strongly against animal cruelty and are working closely with the authorities on the case for the next course of action.”

After addressing the situation, they called on the public to report any cases of animal abuse they come across. 

If you witness any cases of suspected animal abuse, cruelty or neglect, please call the SPCA’s emergency hotline 6287 5355 ext 9, make a report at or email [email protected].”

Apart from SPCA, another animal advocacy group has spoken up on the issue. Also on Facebook, the Cat Welfare Society addressed the case. 

They said the group has “assisted the caregivers to file an AVS (Animal and Veterinary Service) report” and “linked the caregivers to the investigating officers.”

A police report has also been filed by the caregivers. 

Moving on, they expressed their upset about the kid’s action. 

“One case of abuse is one case too many, what more when a minor is involved.”

Since then, a petition to do justice to the cat has been created. 

Started only 13 hours ago, the “Justice for the cat being thrown from 22nd floor of Blk 186 Boon Lay Avenue” petition has at the time of writing gotten over 4,200 signatures. 

Animal Abuse in Singapore

Animal abuse is no small issue in the Lion City. 

If found guilty of animal cruelty, offenders could be fined up to $15,000 and/or jailed for up to 18 months for their first offence. 

If you’re planning to throw one more cat down the 22nd storey, you should be prepared to fork out up to another $30,000. Also, you might get a home in Changi for three years. 

Actually, you need not do an animal drop test to face those consequences. In fact, cruelty to animals comprises:

  • Abetting or causing physical and psychological pain to an animal
  • Causing or allowing any unnecessary pain or suffering to an animal
  • Putting to work a sick or injured animal, or an animal unfit for the job
  • Involvement in any business or incident related to animal fighting

So, if you’re looking to find Singapore’s newest cat killer, you know what to do to land in the same cell as him.

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Featured Image: Feline/ Facebook