Woman Allegedly Went Berserk After Eating Durian in Yishun

Last Updated on 2022-12-26 , 2:20 pm

Remember Yishun?

We haven’t heard from Singapore’s ghetto in a while, but it’s here again for a timely update.

A woman allegedly went berserk after eating durian in Yishun.

Here’s what happened.

Woman in Yishun Arrested For Causing Public Nuisance 

On Monday (12 Dec), a woman was arrested for causing a public nuisance at a store in Yishun. The incident occurred around 5 pm, at Block 846 Yishun Ring Road.

The 42-year-old woman, unprovoked, suddenly started to flip tables and chairs and even attacked the owner of a shoe shop nearby.

Image: Facebook (Shin Min Daily News)

The strangest detail?

Right before that happened, she was just eating durian, and there was apparently nothing amiss.

Woman Went Back To Shoe Shop Not Once, Not Twice, But Three Times

The victim of the woman’s wild outburst was the owner of the shoe shop nearby, Wang, 54.

Wang shared that the woman had been eating durian purchased from the durian shop nearby before barging into her shop and causing a ruckus.

Upon barging into Wang’s shop, the woman flipped two tables over.

Wang said the woman was “very strong”, causing her and her staff to be so frightened that they dared not step out to see what had happened.

Maybe the durian gave her the energy she needed to flip those tables. Soon, we won’t be seeing the tagline “Energy to go further” under Milo anymore.

Wang’s staff only gathered the courage to step out and clean up the mess 10 minutes after the woman left. However, they were met with a second encounter with the berserk 42-year-old.

Image: Facebook (Shin Min Daily News)

She had come back again, and this time she even attacked Wang. The woman hit the 54-year-old four times in the head.

A police report was made subsequently.

The woman returned to the shop a third time as if that wasn’t enough. Perhaps she thought the third time’s the charm.

This time, the woman flung an empty water bottle at Wang.

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Wang’s husband, who had just returned to the shop, confronted the woman with the durian shop’s owner. They managed to subdue the woman until the police arrived.

The woman was then arrested for causing a public nuisance.

Investigations into this incident are currently ongoing.

Shoe Shop Owner Unacquainted With Woman

Wang insisted she was unacquainted with the woman and that this was the first time she had encountered something such an incident in the 28 years of operating her business.

The attack left Wang with bruises on her temples.

Shaken by the incident, Wang’s blood pressure had risen to 190 mmHg, and she was running a fever by the time paramedics attended to her.

“Nothing Amiss” About The Woman

The owners of the durian shop shared that there was “nothing amiss” about the woman when she was purchasing the durian.

The woman had purchased a box of durians for $15 before opening up on the spot to eat.

She even commented that the durian was delicious and recommended other customers buy the durian.

In their seven years of operating their business, this was the first time the owners of the durian shop had witnessed such an incident.

The Yishun Chronicles

A few days ago, a doctor in Yishun had to resort to calling the police after a man repeatedly harassed a clinic to prescribe him cough syrup.

A flasher was also recently arrested for flashing the residents in Yishun.

It speaks volumes if even the MP for Nee Soon GRC had to post about this on Facebook.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Shin Min Daily News)