Everything About the M’sia Campsite Landslide That Has Trapped At Least 100 People So Far

In Singapore, we’re fortunate to enjoy the peace and tranquility of a disaster-less nation. 

Unfortunately, our neighbours don’t have it so lucky. 

Everything About the M’sia Campsite Landslide That Has Trapped At Least 100 People So Far

In the wee hours of Friday (16 December), a landslide in Malaysia trapped around 100 people. 

At 3 am, the incident happened along the outskirts of the nation’s capital, Kuala Lumpur, at Jalan Batang Kali, Selangor state. 

According to the state Fire and Rescue Department, the disaster occurred on the side of a road near the Father’s Organic Farm farmhouse that provides camping facilities. Because it was near a campsite, there were many victims. 

Image: Ninja Housewife

The department’s director, Norazan Khamis, announced that search and rescue personnel scanned the scene for those trapped upon being alerted to the landslide. 

At the time of writing, there have been 37 victims rescued from the mud. 

Of the victims affected, around 51 are still missing, and three were injured. There have been two reported deaths, one of whom is a child. 

“The landslide is about one acre wide and fell onto the campsite. Police estimate about 100 victims at the campsite during the incident,” Khamis said, adding that the landslide fell from an estimated height of 30 metres. 

Forces from six fire stations and the Special Tactical Operation and Rescue Team (STORM) have been deployed. 

Currently, there isn’t much we can do but pray for the affected. 

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How Do Landslides Occur? 

Essentially, landslides happen when the dirt and soil, mixed with water to form mud, from a slope slide down in significant quantities. 

This process is expedited by deforestation. How?

When trees are removed, no more roots hold the soil in place. As such, the earth has no structural integrity. 

To illustrate the function of the trees, think about the human anatomy, but without bones. We wouldn’t be able to stand, right? 

In this way, without the roots, soil can easily slip off when mixed with water, during rainfall, or after snow melts. 

Eventually, when this process involves large amounts of land, a landslide occurs. 

Image: Wyoming State Geological Survey

In Malaysia’s case, the land is wetter because it is currently the rainy season, leading to the disaster. 

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