Cat Killer Back in Yishun or Is it Just an Accident?

Though I’m secretly wishing Yishun to remain as the dark, gloomy side of Singapore (because I don’t want Bukit Batok to replace Yishun), to blame everything on Yishun seems a little too much?

We can make jokes of how all the bad things always happen in Yishun, but can we stop a little while to consider the feelings of our Yishunites?


And of course, by saying that, I’m risking my reputation, trusting that we’re not talking about animal cruelty happening in Yishun… again.

The last incident we had was earlier this year in February where one of the cats had its throat slit, and the other had its stomach cut open.

This time round, we find a bloodied carcass of a black and white cat on Tuesday morning, 24 October, at Yishun Street 22, according to a Facebook post by cat community page.


The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) is investigating the case and so far we don’t have much information regarding this kitty’s death.

However, if you do have some important leads to this mystery death, please aid us in making reports to both the police and AVA.

Thus far, Cat Welfare Society (CWS) executive director, Laura Ann Meranda told the Straits Times that this incident is looked upon as a hit-and-run case after checking out the CCTV footage around the area.

So we’re crossing our fingers and hoping that it’s not a case of animal cruelty once again. We had enough of cat serial killers and the slaughtering must stop.

AVA also further added three points which I thought is good for us to know:

  • Stray dogs and catsdo not enjoy good welfare and living conditions“.
  • “They are constantly exposed to the elements and face various risks such as starvation, disease and parasitic infestations, and getting knocked down by vehicles.”
  • “These animals may not be able to fend for themselves in the environment and the risks they face can be fatal.”

So what can the public do?

First and foremost, these stray animals are known as community animals simply because they are living in the same community as we do!

Do you go around slitting each other’s throats, cutting stomachs and what not?

No, right? So please search deep within you and stop animal cruelty and treat these animals with respect. It’s a life after all, no matter how big or small.

And if you have some time to spare, why not consider being a caregiver?

According to the SPCA, this is what you can do as a caregiver:

  • Feeding community animals responsibly.

  • Sterilizing community animals.  

Community animals that have been sterilized will have their left ear tipped as a marking. Ear tipping is done under anaesthesia so don’t worry about it being painful for them.


The SPCA has a sterilization program for our community animal friends. Please click here for more information if you’re planning to bring one there.

  • Caring for the animals and monitoring their general health.

There’s a basic consultation service on Saturdays (by appointment only via 6287 5355) at SPCA for community animals. Or if it’s urgent, you can bring them to a private veterinarian.

Most of these community animals are harmless. They just enjoy the freedom of roaming around and all we can do, is probably look out for them.

Please don’t harm these little lovely creatures.

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