The hilarious reason of why a period is called大姨妈 will make you laugh out...

Have you ever wondered why a period is called 大姨妈? Don't worry, we wonder too. And we've decided to solve the mystery once and for...

10 shits that only twins would understand

People always seem to be fascinated about twins. From the numerous times of getting asked "what's it like?" to being mistaken for the other half, here are some...

Why do elderly people like to call us “Ah “? Here’s why

It’s a nickname we are embarrassed by when we are cool and hip teenagers, yet grow to love the older we get. But seriously,...

10 times when you really feel like choke-slamming your teacher

We see teachers almost everyday of our lives for the first 18 years (some of you less, lucky..) and they have taught us a...

9 memories of lessons in science labs that give us the feels

No matter what our subject preferences are, many of us would have had gone through at least 2-4 years of doing science experiments in...

10 things that men thought are manly but girls thought are gross

Men with confidence are the type of men that girls love, but if your confidence is in the wrong areas, girls will find it...

10 things Ah Bengs did in the past that modern Ah Bengs no longer...

All of us surely seen or met “Ah Bengs” at least once in our lives, and you surely noticed about the difference between past...

10 ways friends “ya ya papaya” during class gatherings that just make us buay...

Aiya, you know, sometimes during class gatherings, there’ll be that one friend, or ex-classmate that dredges up the past and highlight the stupid, embarrassing...

10 awesome reasons why a girl who likes to sleep is the best girlfriend...

Is your girlfriend a clinomaniac – someone who is obsessed and has an overwhelming desire to sleep and in love with the bed?Here are...

10 shits that people who hate exercising face daily

I must be frank, I hate exercising. It's such a chore, it's boring and I'd rather sleep or watch a movie. Exercise may be...