People Allegedly Gathered Blatantly along Robertson Quay While Waiting for Takeouts

Humans used to believe that we were the most intelligent species on Earth. But this pandemic has clearly demonstrated that this is not the case. I...

Gyms Now Hoping That They Can Reopen After Suffering Losses for 6 Weeks

As helpful as Chloe Ting's sessions are, there's just no denying the fact that there is no place like home. As the saying goes, "Home...

Italy Plans to Open Borders for European Tourists With No Restrictions

Ever since governments across the world started implementing lockdowns to curb the spread of Covid-19, three very important questions have been on everyone's mind: When...

Adorable Nara Deer Now Chilling Out by Themselves Among Beautiful Sakura Trees

If you've been to Japan, you've most likely been to Nara's famous deer park. Even if you haven't, you've definitely heard of it before. Nara...

Auntie Walked Past Reusable Mask Being Dried, Took a Look & Just Took It...

People have been acting really strangely during the circuit breaker period. One man was caught skiing on the road a few days ago, another man...

Studies Show Overweight People Are More at Risk to Be in ICU If They...

Previously, it was thought that only those of significant age or/and with underlying health conditions are susceptible to the lethal side of the Covid-19...

HK Protestors Celebrated When Police Officers Got COVID-19 & Even Said, ‘The More, The...

The coronavirus pandemic has put many things on hold. The 2020 Tokyo Olympics has been postponed, vacations have been cancelled, and Singaporeans have been torn...

20YO Charged for Stabbing Man in Punggol & is Now Remanded in Changi Prison...

Last Sunday (10 May), a series of violent incidents occurred, and one of which is fatal: 38-year-old Tay Rui Hao was found injured and...

Drug Offender Received His Death Sentence Via Remote Hearing – a First in S’pore

Singapore is known to go down hard on drugs. We're one of the few countries in the world that routinely introduces the death penalty for...

Over 300 Clinics Found Providing Non-Essential Services Like Botox or Tooth Implants

What does it mean to be essential? When bubble tea stores all over the country closed down, some people started buying their own pearls just...