Resident Says Tampines HDB Aeroplane Chess Painting Disrespectful to War Victims; MP Baey Disagrees

The newest design of Tampines N4 Neighbourhood Centre has raised a single eyebrow. It looks innocent enough at the first few thousand glances: a nostalgic...

Confirmed: You’d Have to Pay About $100 or $120 to Watch All World Cup...

It's less than a month to the World Cup's kick-off, and we finally bring good news. On Sunday, Singtel, StarHub and Mediacorp announced a three-way...

MyRepublic Launched a Data-Only Mobile Plan That’s Less Than $0.30 for 1 GB of...

Unlike the 2GB data bundle of before, data is getting cheaper as time passes. Previously, it was S$10 for a single extra GB of data...

MSF Filed Police Report Against Charity for Suspected Criminal Misconduct

Charities are a godsend for many. Those who are struggling financially can turn to these organisations for help when they're in dire straits. And it's truly...

Buyer of Record $41.6 Million Coffeeshop Revealed to be an Owner of Several Businesses,...

In terms of outrageously expensive purchases made this year, one of the top prizes has to go to the Singapore Permanent Resident who bought...

Terry Xu from TOC Responds to Allegations That He’s Running Wake Up, Singapore

With the Wake Up, Singapore (WUSG) controversy coming to an end after WUSG's apology and them getting POFMA-ed, there's a new theory on the...

Who Says Happiness Can’t be Bought? Average Price of Happiness for S’poreans Starts at...

"You can't buy happiness with money," they said. Well, is it, really? Because according to a new survey, happiness can actually be measured in financial terms. Though surprisingly, it...

Man Used Third-Party QR Code Scanner to Scan QR Code in AMK & Lost...

Christmas is still months away, but being taken on sleigh rides by scammers seems to be a year-round activity for Singaporeans, no matter the...

NCID Responds to Omicron Variant; Says a Lot of ‘Urgent Work’ is Needed

As panic ensues across the nation with the lack of knowledge of the new variant, Omicron, the National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID) finally...

Grab Staff Fined for Stealing Cartier Watch That She was Supposed to Repack

Whenever you come across something that does not belong to you, what do you do? While most of us choose to do the right thing...