Chinese Tourists Allegedly Trashed Airbnb Home, Told Homeowner It’s Not Their Problem

Airbnb is a double-edged sword. While on one hand, it allows homeowners to earn some money on the side, sometimes, you'll meet inconsiderate people. Like...

Superhero Amulets (& Other Weird Ones) Are Now a Reality Though They Might Not...

I have a confession to make: I love superheroes.  In fact, I love them so much I would wear a mask, go out in the middle...

Cute Rat Allegedly Appeared in AMK McD & Pest Control was Called In

Always thought Ratatouille was just a cartoon? Well, you're wrong. On 13 September, Twitter user MellysaLatiff shared a video on Twitter, in which a small mouse/rat...

Kindhearted Cabbie Returns Phone To Condo But Got Beaten Up Instead

Your parents always tell you to be kind to others, and they'll do the same to you. For folks who believe in karma, you're taught...

Guys Caught on CCTV Putting Pregnant Cat into Clothes Dryer

No matter how mindboggling J.K Rowling made Albus Dumbledore out to be, she's got one thing right, at least. Every person has a dark side...

Some Schools in the US Closed Early when Temperature is Above 32 Deg C

Let's be honest here; Singapore has some pretty darn hot temperatures. In fact, we would be lucky if the temp. doesn't go past 32...

Everything To Know About Road Closures For F1 2018 Because The Closure Starts Today

It's that time of the year again. The time where F1 cars raced against each other in the city of Singapore. Read Also: Police is Investigating oBike...

S’pore Car Wheels Stolen in M’sia But Thief Left a Pack of Kopi-O for...

It sucks to have something taken away from you. And I'm sure it must suck even more to have your car wheels taken away from...

MPs’ Smoking-at-Home Proposals Are Going to be Resisted by Smokers

Singaporean smokers, sometimes, you feel discriminated against, don't you? You have to smoke under the hot sun instead of comfortably under a shelter. And if...

There is Going to be a 2nd Trump-Kim Meeting with Location Unconfirmed Yet

At first glance, it had all the makings of an international disaster. I mean; Trump meeting Kim? Are you freaking serious? This isn't Cartoon Network, you...