Woman Online Shamed for Stealing PS4 Games; She Paid Up & To Her, It’s...

If you had the privilege to study in Singapore’s top-notch education system, you would be very familiar with the term, “crime doesn’t pay”. Who remembers...

Lai Liao: Driverless Buses to Be in Punggol, Tengah & Jurong Innovation District in...

There are a few things that are confirmed: Justin Bieber is eventually going to marry Selena Gomez, your boss is always in a bad...

10 Facts About The MRT Shutdown You Might Want To Know

We've experienced multiple MRT breakdowns. We've also experienced a MRT collision recently. Heck, just a few days back, one MRT train was even "struck"...

Everything About the Cashless System in Hawker Centre Your Parents Probably Need to Know

Take a trip around China and you will realize how advanced their payment system is. When I dug out cash from my wallet to pay...

Studying in Starbucks Becomes a Hot Button Issue Again With This Latest Image

The age-old question—should students be allowed to study in cafes like Starbucks?   I will share my sentiments later. This rather annoying phenomenon is back in the...

Video Shows a Couple Throwing oBikes into Drain…for No Apparent Reason

By now, I'm fairly certain my editor is making me write such articles on purpose. I mean, just look at this and this. Not that...

Stirr Discovered the Mall with the Fastest Wi-Fi in Orchard, Alongside Some Unexpected Results

Humans can go without food for 7 days. Humans can go without water for 3 days. But there's one thing humans can't go without, even for one day. Wi-Fi. As...

9 Facts about the MRT Lightning Strike You Probably Want to Know

Oh boy. What's with our MRT these days. This is just a bad year for our beloved transport system, isn't it? I mean, we've...

Woman Claimed Insurance Agent ‘Proposed’ on First Date & Asked for Money on the...

"Always beware of insurance agents," my mum used to tell me. "They are evil. Oh yes they are." "How so?" I asked while sucking on my lollipop. Her...

Remember Sim Lim Square? It’s Now Hoping for an En Bloc

A long long time ago, in a shopping centre far far away... (Okay, hang on there, that's too far back) Unpleasant memories aside, I guess you...