Circles.Life New Advertisements Triggered S’poreans, Draws Backlash From Oversensitive People

Global poverty is and has always been a serious issue. Millions have perished from it and of course, it’s not something to make light of.

Circles.Life, a popular data telco company that’s been churning out crazy value-for-money data deals, has come out with a series of advertisements that seem inspired by the above topic.

Image: Hazirah Mohamad Facebook Page

There’s a video too.

Singaporeans are hungry for more data. Fight Data Deprivation …

Many Singaporeans are stuck in 4 GB data contracts and are hungry for more. Get 20 GB for $20 free for a month when you join in August. Fight Data Deprivation today:

Posted by Circles.Life on Monday, 31 July 2017

Well, it looks like it’s touched the nerve of a certain ‘human rights activist’.

Facebook user Hazirah Mohamad published a post on her Facebook feed on August 13, and it has garnered over 120 likes and reactions, as well as 163 shares.

Not the most impressive of numbers, but it’s the emotions she put into the post that counts.

Image: Hazirah Mohamad Facebook Page
Image: Hazirah Mohamad Facebook Page

Here’s the TL: DR in case you can’t (or can’t be bothered) to read it:

On August 13, Hazirah had chanced upon Circles.Life’s advertisement at Dhoby Ghaut MRT and found it really distasteful because of its style.

She was so affected that she FB messaged Circles.Life’s customer service representative.

She soon received a reply that her concerns would be forwarded, but she didn’t believe it and thought that they were just dismissing her concerns.

She decided to post a full rant on the matter, describing how insensitive the advertisement was and reiterating that global poverty was a serious matter that actually kills people.

She then ends off saying that she was horrified and shocked by it, and asked whom she could reach out to in order to take down the advert.

The comments on the thread, however, did not seem to echo her passionate sentiments.

Image: Hazirah Mohamad Facebook Page
Image: Hazirah Mohamad Facebook Page
Image: Hazirah Mohamad Facebook Page

There are also some comments applauding her ‘advertisement’ for Circles.Life.

Image: Hazirah Mohamad Facebook Page
Image: Hazirah Mohamad Facebook Page

But of course, not all were dismissive of her ‘concerns’.

Image: Hazirah Mohamad Facebook Page
Image: Hazirah Mohamad Facebook Page

And then there was this.

Image: Hazirah Mohamad Facebook Page

Personally, I feel that Hazirah is being a tad too oversensitive here.

Sure, global poverty isn’t a laughable matter, but Circles.Life isn’t exactly making light of it. Now if they did this in Africa, it’ll be a totally different story.

It was just an idea, the inspiration behind their ad. I don’t think they have to take down the advertisement just because it is a bit ‘insensitive’.

But yeah, you can get where she’s coming from. I just cannot agree with how she actually made a mountain out of a molehill, if you get what I mean.

If this is a legit concern, then A&F cannot run their ads because of body-shaming, not because Singaporean parents are too conservative. KFC cannot run Double Down Under ads because killing animals is a very serious issue to vegetarians.

What about you? What do you think? Is Hazirah being oversensitive here or is she advocating the right cause?

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Read more about Circles.Life here:

Feature Image: Hazirah Mohamad Facebook Page /

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