Woman Claimed Clementi Community Cat Attacked Her Without Provocation

While petting cats and playing with them in the neighbourhood might be a favourite pastime for some, it’s evident that it’s probably not for everyone.

And it most likely won’t be for this woman who was allegedly attacked by a community cat in Clementi on Christmas day (25 December) this year.

According to her, she did not do anything to the cat and was walking her dog at that point in time.

Here’s what happened.

Cat Rushed Towards Dog, Bit Owner After She Scooped Dog Up

When speaking to reporters from Shin Min Daily News, Ms Zhou (Hanyu pinyin), the lady involved in the incident, shared that the incident occurred when she was walking her dog with her family at Block 420 Clementi Avenue 1 on Christmas day.

Ms Zhou, 60, said that the attack occurred around 8.50 am when she went to the nearby supermarket with her father-in-law and sister-in-law. She decided to bring her dog with her as well.

She had also intended to bring her father-in-law to the fitness corner afterwards, but those plans were cut short when a community cat suddenly rushed towards her dog without being provoked, causing her dog to bark.

Upon seeing this, Ms Zhou decided to pick her dog up and carry it.

However, this seemed to anger the cat, as it began to attack Ms Zhou instead.

When Ms Zhou’s family saw her being attacked, they tried to use a walking stick to chase the cat away and even threw a pack of prawns they had just bought at the cat. Even though the pack of prawns weighed 1kg, the cat remained undeterred.

Cat Only Let Go When Another Woman Arrived

The cat continued to hold on and refused to let go of Ms Zhou’s foot until another woman in the vicinity arrived.

The woman, whom Ms Zhou believes is a cat feeder in the area, told her afterwards that the cat that attacked Ms Zhou is naturally feral.

Multiple Injuries Sustained, Including a 10cm-Long Wound

Ms Zhou then recounted how the cat’s attack was excruciatingly painful for her.

She then sought medical attention and was given an anti-inflammatory injection alongside painkillers. Her doctor, who said that the injury she sustained on the back of her left leg was deep, also helped her clean her wound.

However, she added that the wound is still extremely painful and that she needs to take painkillers to fall asleep.

According to photos taken by Ms Zhou, she was scratched by the cat’s claws in many places, leaving her with torn pants and multiple injuries.

One of the wounds measured 10cm long.

Cat Still at Usual Spot After a Few Days

When returning to the area a day after the incident (26 December) with reporters, Ms Zhou noticed that the cat was still in the area and would stare at passers-by.

There were also plastic bowls in the park, and they were likely placed there by other people for them to feed the cats.

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Dog Traumatised by Incident; Consequences Would Have Been Direr if a Child Had Been Attacked Instead

Ms Zhou added that this is the first time she has had such an experience after 11 years of living in the area. Thankfully, it has not impacted her daily life and activities.

However, her Papillon dog seems to have been traumatised by the incident.

The dog, which has been with her for 11 years, will still show signs of fear when people hold up its forelegs.

Ms Zhou also said that her dog did not bark or provoke the cat in any way and that she is unsure why the cat decided to attack it.

She also touched on how the consequences would have been direr if a young child had been scratched instead, especially if the cat had chosen to scratch their face or eyes.

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Featured Image: Shin Min Daily News