S’pore Bikers Who Rode Like Superman in M’sia Highway Removed YouTube Videos After Media Report

Singaporeans love to cross the border to our neighbour, Malaysia.

Be it to cop cheaper food, cheaper petrol rates or maybe…to do dumb and risky things?

Like dangling your body on a motorbike on a highway.

Singapore Motorcyclists Who Posed Like Superman in Malaysia

The group calls themselves Kapcai Singa.

Kap comes from a Cantonese slang that deviated from the word “Honda Cub” and Cai, or Zai, meaning “little” in Cantonese. Singa most likely meant Singapore.

This group is known for their insanely dangerous behaviour and according to The Straits Times, they’ve been posting their antics on YouTube since 2019.

In a recent video uploaded, they could be seen overtaking cars on a highway in Malaysia at a speed of up to 180km/h. The craziest part was that their bodies were flat on the bikes, like a Superman pose.

Image: Youtube

One wrong move and they really would’ve Superman-ed out of their bikes and the highway.

The group mentioned that they were aware of the risks but did not care as, in essence, “you only live once“.

Malaysian authorities have already been informed of the motorcyclists.

Image: Youtube

The YouTube account consisting of the videos has since been set to private since The Straits Times reported about them today.

In fact, just a few hours ago, Goody Feed found another YouTube channel by one of the Kapcai Singa members who also proudly showed the same antics. The videos didn’t receive many views.

An hour later, his videos were also set to private.

Image: YouTube

The practice of “Superman stunt” is usually more commonly associated with people riding bicycles, though, and it is frowned upon by people in Malaysia.

Stopped by Police in Singapore Before

It turns out that Kapcai Singa has had experiences with the Singapore Police in the past as well.

On 23 March 2019, a group of around 40 motorcyclists gathered to ride around Singapore.

At around 2am, they were stopped by the police in Bukit Batok.

Netizens were displeased with what had happened and scolded the group for arranging such a meeting as regular motorcyclists who were not part of the gathering also had to be stopped for inspection.

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Featured Image: YouTube