Mini Jewel Rain Vortex Poured From NUS Lecture Hall Ceiling Due to Heavy Rain

How many rain vortexes can you name in Singapore?

The most well-known one can be found at Jewel Changi Airport, duh.

Apparently, the National University of Singapore (NUS) has one as well.

We kid.

Or do we?

Leaking Ceiling In NUS Lecture Hall

Said “rain vortex” in NUS stems from a TikTok posted by user, of what appears to be a lecture hall in NUS with water flowing freely from two light sockets on the ceiling directly onto the floor. The orange and green wall panels were also visibly wet at some spots.

A caption “the rain rly came through our ceiling…mid-lecture” was added to the video.♬ OMG – NewJeans

The short eight-second video, overlaid with a fitting and cute background music of “OMG” by New Jeans in the background of the video, made its rounds on the online community recently.

We’d have the same reaction if we witnessed this in real life.

Image: TikTok (

Here’s a close up of the wall panels in case you didn’t believe us.

Image: TikTok (

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Reactions to the Incident

Curiously though, nobody in the video seemed alarmed or concerned about the leaky ceiling.

And nobody seemed to be using this opportunity to get out of a (potentially boring) lecture.

Students were seen focusing on the lecture behind their laptops. Model students, we’d say.

Image: TikTok

Towards the end of the video, a man dressed in a blue shirt and standing at the podium (presumably the professor), is captured looking up at the ceiling where the leaks are before nonchalantly turning back to his laptop and slides.

Of course, professors should be calm and dignified when faced with any situation, including emergencies. But this lack of reaction could be a little too cool to be true.

I, for one, would definitely be calling up the building administration.

For online reactions, a majority of the comments left on the TikTok video were drawing comparisons between the Rain Vortex at Changi Jewel and the incident in NUS.

Image: TikTok
Image: TikTok

And we would tend to agree. Look at the image below again if you don’t believe us.

Image: TikTok (

Seems like this isn’t the first time a university in Singapore has been affected by the weather conditions, too.

In 2017, water from a burst pipe floor flooded the Singapore Management University (SMU) campus, affected certain floors and the library located in the SMU School of Law building (now known as the SMU Yong Pung How School of Law).

Who said Singapore doesn’t have “natural disasters”?

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Featured Image: TikTok ( & Travel man /