Everything You Need To Know About The Wild Boar Which Attacked Man At Hillview Ave

Singapore is a garden city, replete with flora and fauna.

Wild animal sightings are more than common, from crocodiles to otters and not forgetting the bulbous wild boars which every NSF who did their BMT in Tekong, will be familiar with.

Not to be confused with the super-pig—Okja.

Image: netflix.com

Coming from the pig family, wild boars tend to look scarier but the chances of running into it in a suburban area are little to none.

Image: allsingaporestuff.com

My boss even said that during his BMT days, wild boars tend to mind their own business whereas my colleague told me that a wild boar once stole his buddy’s combat ration.

I guess we can’t categorise an animal with one character trait; each pig has a unique personality just like humans.

Guess what?

There was one super angry wild boar spotted at Hillview Road yesterday—so angry that it actually attacked a man

What happened

According to Channel NewsAsia, a man in his forties was attacked by a wild boar near a bus stop at Hillview Road on Thursday morning.

Olga, who happened to see the whole incident unravel rushed over to help.

“I saw an animal – I thought it was just a big dog with the owner – but in two to three seconds, (the) animal start(ed) to attack the man and he fell down and scream(ed), he was really in pain,” she said.

Luckily, a man joined in to help. He took a bamboo cane from his car and started to hit the boar. The boar made a quick escape down to the road before becoming roadkill.

The victim was helped by Olga’s husband and another man who had a first aid kit in his car—they bandaged his wounds.

The SCDF dispatched an ambulance and the victim was brought to Ng Teng Fong General Hospital.

What happened to the victim

The victim suffered cuts and lacerations on both legs and there was a 10 cm laceration on his left upper thigh.

What happened to the boar

The boar did not die immediately when it got hit by a bus.

Dan Ranjith who was on his way to work told Channel NewsAsia that he saw the boar was lying down but it was alive and moving, surrounded by police officers.

Image: Brianna Degaston/Twitter

I guess it died a slow and painful death

Where did the wild boar come from

Mr Faisal told Channel NewsAsia that he believed that the wild boar could have come from the jungles in the Ministry of Defence compound on Hillview Avenue.

Channel NewsAsia found a 200m stretch of bush behind the condominium (near the bus stop); another possible home for wild boars.

Precautionary measures

The AVA took to Facebook to address the issue:

Image: AVA Facebook

They are working closely with relevant stakeholders such as NParks, ACRES, Wildlife Reserves Singapore and NUS to ensure that residents are safe from future wild boar attacks.

There will be more signs about wildlife crossings at certain locations to warn drivers and there will be barriers to prevent wildlife from entering the roads.

2017 is the year of pig

It might be the year of the rooster according to Chinese zodiac but there are more wild boar sightings than chickens this year (fried chicken is not counted).

In June, a drove of wild boars was spotted.

You can read it here.

Last month alone, there were 2 incidents involving wild boars—two people were injured when a wild boar popped up at the Ayer Rajah Expressway and three people were injured when a wild boar appeared along Lentor Avenue.

What to do

Looking at the numbers of wild boar incidents, I think it is better to be prepared…you may never know when you will encounter a wild pig

Here are some pointers from AVA:

  • Be calm and move slowly away from the animal
  • Do not approach or feed them
  • Keep a safe distance and do not corner or provoke the animal, i.e. like taking a picture of it with flash
  • If you see adults with young piglets, leave them alone as they are very protective of their young

This is one Pokemon…I mean animal, you don’t want to encounter.

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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Featured image:  Brianna Degaston/Twitter