3 Wooden Boards Fell from Ceiling of Far East Plaza & Almost Hit a Woman

What’s with the number of broken ceilings this week?

After the incidents at Nex and Westgate, Far East Plaza is the newest victim of the broken ceilings domino.

Loud Noise, Accompanied By Falling Wooden Boards

According to Shin Min Daily News, the accident happened at about 9:45am on 10 August, in an open space near Far East Plaza’s second floor escalator.

Ms Huang told the Chinese daily that she was walking along the fifth floor of the shopping mall, when she suddenly heard a loud noise. When she turned to look, she saw several wooden boards fall from the ceiling, smashing into the open space in the second floor.

The loud noise apparently caused two passers-by to scream, and more than 10 people to stop and look at what happened.

The incident site was then swiftly sealed off, and three mall staff cleaned up the scene and took the boards away.

Image: Shin Min Daily News

Nearly Hit A Woman

A businessman interviewed by Shin Min revealed that he heard a loud noise while opening his store. When he ran out, he saw a woman covering her head at the side of the incident and running away. It is assumed that she was nearly hit by the boards.

“Fortunately, nobody was hit by the boards, or there might have been a fatality,” he said.

Another shop owner that was interviewed shared that a similar accident happened in this mall a few years ago, where a wooden board also fell from the ceiling. Thankfully, nobody was hurt in either of the incidents.

Although maintenance of the mall is done from time to time, it is still a pretty old mall, so it is inevitable for such problems to occur.

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Third Ceiling Mishap of the Week

On 6 August, a plumbing issue in one of the tenants spaces of the Serangoon NEX mall resulted in a partial ceiling collapse and water leakage affecting the basement levels.

Two days later on 8 August, another mall, Westgate, had a similar issue causing parts of the false ceiling above to crack and fall onto the basement atrium.

It seems like there’s a pattern here, since all three incidents happened two days apart from each other.

If that’s the case, you might want to watch for any falling ceilings on 12 August.

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Featured Image: Shin Min Daily News