Rest of Feb 2023 is Going to be Hot With Temperature Up to 34°C

Miss the winter Chinese New Year period? Think the rain during Valentine’s Day is romantic?

Then you might not like the weather for the next two weeks.

Rest of Feb 2023 is Going to be Hot With Temperature Up to 34°C

According to the weatherman, it’s anticipated that February 2023’s second half will be drier than the month’s first.

For a few days in the upcoming fortnight, Singapore may have mostly fair and occasionally windy weather due to the presence of a dry air mass.

On some days, localized short-duration thundery showers can still be expected over some areas of the island in the afternoon due to the confluence of the prevailing winds and the sea breeze. Since it’s in the afternoon, you probably won’t need your umbrella if you work in an office during office hours.

The second half of February 2023 should have around average rainfall overall, and most of the island should see above normal rainfall for the whole month.

Well, at least this means Chatuchak Singapore won’t be flooded, eh?

For the next two weeks, the daily temperatures are forecast to range between 24°C  and 33°C on most days.

The maximum temperature could reach around 34°C on days with little or no rain (which is pretty much most of the days).

Last Two Weeks Have Been Rainy

Do you know that when Lawrence Wong started his Budget 2023 speech, it rained immediately?

Yes, it’s been rather rainy in the last two weeks.

The Meteorological Service Singapore said that during the first two weeks of February 2023, thundery showers fell over parts of the island in the afternoon and evening on most days.

On the afternoon of 12 February 2023, large-scale convergence of winds over Singapore and the surrounding region led to the development of moderate to heavy thundery showers over many areas of the island.

The showers were particularly intense over the northern and western parts of Singapore.

The daily total rainfall of 108.1 mm recorded at Woodlands was the highest daily total rainfall recorded in the first half of February 2023.

Just like the CNY period, it was relatively cool in the first half of February 2023. There was only one day when the daily maximum temperature was over 34°C.

The rainfall in the last two weeks was also above average.

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