First ‘S’porean’ Smartphone Could be Out in Nov 2017. Here’s What You Should Know

We’re finally going to see the day when we have our own home brand of smartphones. Yes, it’s happening as soon as next month!

Here’s what you need to know about it.

The Smartphone and Company Behind It

So, here’s the story. 10 months back, Razer (which is more into gaming hardware, actually!) got Nextbit into its folds, which is a smartphone startup.

While there were a lot of conspiracy theories on the acquisition, it did suggest that Razer was going to create its own smartphone.

The news that’s been out is actually way more intriguing – imagine a smartphone that’s been designed to cater for entertainment and all thing gaming?

Pretty much heaven in a mobile for hardcore gamers, that’s what we’re talking about here.

AND apparently the phone’s going to be unveiled in a matter of 2 weeks, if all goes well! Anyone doing jumping jacks of joy, yet?

Image: No Game No Talk

In an interview about a month back with popular news station CNBC, Razer’s local CEO Tan Min-Liang did confirm about the “gaming and entertainment” smartphone.

There was a leak a few days back, one that happened on TechByte, which showed the back of a smartphone, complete with Razer’s logo on it.


If the leaked picture is anything to go by, the phone’s model does look like it’s been inspired by none other than Nextbit’s Robin, an Android smartphone!


Ooh, and this is not the juiciest details yet. The phone’s specs has also been leaked out!

The phone has got a rectangular shape, just like the Robin, but this also has rear dual-lens on it as far as cameras go.

If the leaks are to be trusted, the Razer smartphone’s gonna have a 2560 by 1440 pixelated resolution, 5.7 inches of touchscreen to boot, and 64GBs in internal memory.

Its system memory (RAM) takes up an impressive 8GB – way bigger than Samsung Galaxy Note 8 (6GB) and Google Pixel 2 XL (4GB).

Its processor? We’re talking about a Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 here.

Judging by all of this, it’s safe to say that the Razer smartphone has hands on deck to set itself apart from Samsung and Apple smartphones, as this baby has one specific group in mind – gamers.

The huge system memory is definitely necessary for gaming, and even so, it does support multi-tasking operations too. After all, gaming needs crazy specs, right?

Then there’s this tweet, from none other than Tom Moss, the founder of Nextbit. He’s now the SVP of mobile with Razer too.

It happened on Oct 4 which included a picture of him and Tan posing for a picture. Only thing that seemed out of the norm was that a “Razer phone” seemed hardly visible in Tan’s pocket…yet it’s visible.

Image: Twitter (@rebelleader)

You see, while Razer technically is an MNC with its HQ in the US as well, its founder is a Singaporean. So don’t argue with us: we’ll like to see it as a Singaporean smartphone.

Just recently, it’s revealed that one in five phones here in Singapore is a China brand. With this new phone, would it change the game altogether?

After all, we’re patriotic. Right?

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