Major Funeral Parlours in S’pore Banning The Use of LED Funeral Wreaths & It’s Not Due to Complaints

Have you ever seen parlours lit up with LED funeral wreaths?

That may be a thing of the past soon, as major funeral parlours are banning the use of LED wreaths. Here’s why.

Power Trips and Fire Hazard

Recently, the Facebook community Death Kopitiam Singapore shared that major funeral parlours are prohibiting the use of LED wreaths on their premises.

Speaking to MS News, The Teochew Funeral Parlour said that they banned LED wreaths since 16 May. This is partly due to space constraints, as these LEDs are usually much bigger than traditional flower wreaths. The halls already have limited space, and the crowding of electronics could also be a potential fire hazard.

Additionally, these electronic wreaths use a lot of electricity, and the parlour is unable to handle them. There have been power trips multiple times due to these wreaths.

They previously tried to limit customers to five LED wreaths per hall, but due to enforcement difficulties, they ended up banning electronic wreaths altogether.

According to Shin Min Daily News, Sin Ming Funeral Parlour has banned LED wreaths due to space limits, fire risks and electrical safety.

With the wreaths causing power trips, the parlour’s CCTV and network router systems got interrupted as well.

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Allow LED Wreaths Under Certain Conditions

While some parlours have banned these LEDs completely, there are still some who allow LED wreaths under certain conditions.

For instance, some operators only allow a maximum of five LED wreaths. Additionally, others allow LED wreaths if mourners can find their own power generator, which would cost up to $1,000.

While the rules for using LED wreaths at funerals in HDB estates is still unclear, Death Kopitiam Singapore has written to the town councils to ask for clearer guidelines.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Death Kopitiam Singapore)