It’s Going to be Super Cold in S’pore from 11 to 14 Jan (Maybe Floods, Too)

Singapore is known for primarily three things: a wide range of local fare, expensive cost of living and unrelenting, scorching heat.

But it seems that for the first time in like forever, the Lion City is about to flout that last point.

Or at least, for the next few days (at night) anyway.

Because according to the National Environment Agency (NEA), the next few days could see temperatures hit a high of 32°C during the day and a low of 22°C at night.

Image: NEA
Image: Smosh

Monsoon surge

Lest you’ve not left your home for the past few days, you would have noticed that the weather seemed to be pretty… bad recently.

In fact, it got so bad that flash floods happened, on 8 January. Yeah, a flash flood. In Singapore. Additionally, a tree fell and injured two people in Toa Payoh, and a lift left its boring job to become a waterfall. Literally.

And I know for one that it practically rained the whole of yesterday. And today morning. Thankfully, it seems to have stopped (at the time of writing), but I’m not averse to the weather taking a gloomy turn again.

Which leads to the all-important question; what the fk happened?

Well, according to NEA, it can all be attributed to one thing.

A monsoon surge.

Currently affecting the South China Sea and the surrounding region, the surge’s expected to continue over the next few days. Supposedly, “overcast and windy conditions with periods of moderate to heavy rain, at times with thunder, are expected over Singapore for today and the next few days.”

The daily temperature during this period is also expected to fluctuate between 22 deg C and 28 deg C (slightly higher from 13 Jan onwards).

And if you’re not convinced, the Meterological Service Singapore recorded a reading of 22.9°C between 8:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. just yesterday (10 Jan) in Newton.

So yes, folks, it’s more than possible.

Free air-con

Well, they say there’s a silver lining to everything.

And in this case, I guess we can save on air-conditioner expenditure for a couple of nights. Sweet.

We can also showcase our fashionable new umbrellas too. Sweet.

Who knows? We might not have to pay for entry tickets to swimming pools too.

Image: Meme Center

Since you’re here, why not watch a video about a guy who lodged a Police report here in Singapore because he was friendzoned? Seriously. Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!

This article was first published on

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Featured image: NEA