Groom in China Died from Lightning Strike During Photoshoot in Thunderstorm

For most couples, a pre-wedding shoot is a must.

Dressing up and smiling at the camera, eyes sparkling with excitement for the wedding day.

But for a couple in China, their wedding day never came.

Groom in China Died from Lightning Strike During Photoshoot in Thunderstorm

The couple was posing for their wedding photos at Spruce Meadow, a popular photogenic spot in Lijiang, China on Wednesday (24 Aug).

It wasn’t long till their lives were changed by a single bolt of lightning.

Despite it being around noon, the weather was raining heavily and at about 1:30pm, a bolt of lightning struck the groom.

He had to be stretchered out by a few emergency workers who were dressed in raincoats.

Image: Weibo

The groom, Ruan, passed away on the spot but was only pronounced dead in the hospital.

According to their tour manager, no one else was hurt.

Apparently, 30 minutes before they arrived at the location, a yellow thunder and lightning alert was issued by the local meteorological authority. This was China’s third-highest alert level.

But the couple was too excited and couldn’t wait, so they decided to continue their photoshoot, not knowing of the consequences.

Chances of Getting Struck By Lightning

According to National Weather Service, the odds of getting struck by lightning are 1 in 1,222,000.

In 2015, a Bangladeshi worker in Singapore was also struck by lightning but thankfully, he survived.

Associate Professor Malcolm Mahadevan, who headed the National University Hospital’s emergency medicine department in 2015, said to The New Paper that it was not uncommon for people to survive a lightning strike.

In fact, only about 1 in 10 people die from lightning strikes with the main cause of fatality being cardiac arrest.

Even though the chances of being struck are low, it is not zero.

Seek shelter and avoid tall structures like trees or lamp posts to reduce the odds.

A rule of thumb to avoid being struck would be to remember the phrase, “When thunder roars, go indoors”.

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Featured Image: Weibo