Guess What’s The Most Ordered Takeaway Food in S’pore? No, It’s Not Rice

Singaporeans are foodies, no doubt, and in such a small island, we sure have a plethora of food delivery services including, UberEats, Food Panda and Deliveroo.

With so many food options and delivery services, staying home on a weekend seems more tempting than going out to a crowded bar where you can’t even hear yourself think.

So, have you ever wondered, “what’s the most ordered takeaway in Singapore?”

Well, it is not your ubiquitous chicken rice or artery-clogging char kway teow.

It is a little bit more atas, which makes sense coz’ if you wanted to eat the aforementioned dishes, you might as well head down to your void deck coffeeshop.

Deliveroo revealed the 100 most popular dishes ordered around the world in 2017 and there are 8 food items hailing from the little red dot.

Coming in at the 8th position we have the chicken salad bowl.

Who would have thought the most ordered dish in Singapore would be a salad. It was so popular that it had been ordered 168 times over the year.

Singaporeans are becoming more healthy

Out of the eight most ordered dishes in Singapore, five of them were healthy dishes, including poke bowls, from eateries like Aloha Poke (58th) and A Poke Theory (59th); and hearty grain bowls from cafes like The Daily Cut and Grain Traders (28th).

What about local cuisine

Don’t fret, the list might be mostly made up of international dishes, but Singaporeans can’t seem to let go of their love for chicken rice.

And I don’t blame them.

At 48th position, we have the signature boiled chicken from Boon Tong Kee, known for their lip-smacking chicken rice.

So, if you’re planning on what to order, this article might help you out!

Bon appetit!

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