Guy So Obsessed with Girl, He Stole Her Keys & Stole Her Bra

Last Updated on 2018-03-03 , 9:21 am

How far would you go for the girl you love?

Because for this man, it involves stalking her, stealing her house keys and infiltrating her home at 4:30 a.m. in the morning, all in the hopes of learning her name.

Although it evidently didn’t work out, seeing how he earned a place in a jail cell instead of her heart.

It all started with McDonald’s

Image: SHOPSinSG

The 24-year-old waiter, who cannot be named due to a gag order, first saw the 17-year-old victim (who was studying) at a McDonald’s outlet in Tampines, in October or November 2016.

Suffice to say that it was love at first sight. Finding her attractive, he tried to befriend her. But she swiftly turned him down.

As it was, that would have been the end of a typical heartbreak story, had he stopped there.

Instead, the accused persisted in his advances. Noticing that the girl studied regularly at the McDonald’s outlet, he would make it a point to wait there and hand her a paper flower every time they met.

Image: Youtube

Which is kinda romantic in a very creepy way, if you think about it.

One day, the man happened to see the victim leaving her house and realised where she resided. He then started following her home.

In November 2016, he paid a visit to the flat, intending to check if anyone was at home. It was then that he saw house keys hanging from the keyhole, and promptly took them.

On 22 Nov, he broke into the flat in the hopes of knowing her name.

But instead of her name, he laid his hands on a grey bra, which he thought belonged to the girl. As it turns out, it was her 13-year-old sister’s.

At that point, the sister’s boyfriend walked out of the room to see a stranger in the house. The man then fled with the bra.

Incidentally, it wasn’t the first occasion.

The man apparently stole letters on a previous occasion and used the details to try locating the teenager’s social media profiles. When it didn’t work, he returned to the flat again.

Note: I have absolutely no idea how a bra could aid in his quest to track down the said profiles. So it’s safe to say that the man probably wanted to know more than just her name. Just saying.

In his defence

In court, the man’s lawyer was stating as saying his client “had fallen deeply in love with the victim … and (was) unable to control his feelings for her”.

He added that according to a psychiatric report, the accused suffers from “some emotional instability”, but does not have a mental illness.

“He will exercise better judgement in the future,” the lawyer said.

He pleaded guilty to four charges, including one for unlawful stalking, one for house trespass and two for theft. He was subsequently sentenced to six weeks’ jail on Wednesday (28 Feb).

For unlawfully stalking the victim, the man could have been jailed up to one year and/or fined up to $5,000. For house trespass, he could have been jailed for up to one year and/or fined up to $3,000.


There are many kinds of creeps in this world.

And this one’s arguably up there with the very ‘best’.

After all, you know what they say:

A smitten man will do anything for his target of affection.

Even if that target doesn’t want it.

Always quarrel with your bae? Then you need to watch this video and learn this trick on how to resolve arguments without any compromise or apology (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel):

This article was first published on

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