100,000 Healthcare Workers to Get One-Time $4,000 Cash Award for Fight Against COVID-19

For the last year and a half or so, we’ve been complaining about COVID-19, COVID-19 restrictions, and all things COVID-19.

It’s been the bane of our existence and is seemingly here to stay.

But what we’re forgetting is that while we’re safe at home complaining, there are thousands of healthcare workers at the frontline risking their own health to treat COVID-19 patients.

We’ve all recognised their efforts and commended them for their work, but now, they’ll be getting a monetary reward for it.

100,000 Healthcare Workers to Get One-Time Cash $4,000 Award for Fight Against COVID-19

Around 100,000 public healthcare workers can look forward to a special cash award of $4,000 for their part in the fight against COVID-19.

According to Health Minister Ong Ye Kung, the COVID-19 Healthcare Award will be doled out to staff from the public healthcare clusters that run acute hospitals, community hospitals, and polyclinics.

Staff members of community care organisations that deliver front-line healthcare services, such as in nursing homes, can expect to receive the reward as well.

As Mr Ong said in a Facebook post, we owe a debt of gratitude to these frontline workers.

“You do your best everyday – to care for every patient and save every life. You provide the first line of care, and stand as our last line of defence in our fight against COVID-19,” he said.

In addition, the health ministry will grant a $10,000 award to each eligible Public Health Preparedness Clinics, which can be shared amongst the staff of the clinics. After all, this is often the first step in the recovery process for COVID-19 cases.

“This monetary award may not fully reflect your tremendous efforts, but it is an appropriate thing for Ministry of Health, Singapore to do,” Mr Ong said.

Stress Levels Among Healthcare Staff Have Increased

Mr Ong also noted that stress levels among healthcare staff have increased in recent weeks.

With thousands of cases being reported every day and more COVID-19 patients falling seriously ill, hospitals have had to lengthen the working hours of nurses and doctors, which were already long.

“This work is not for the faint-hearted. I have seen, with anger and shame, the disgraceful behaviour of those who shun nurses and healthcare workers, who turn away from you near your homes, who refuse your journeys,” the health minister said.

Fortunately, as Mr Ong noted, no transmission wave lasts forever.

“Day by day, we build stronger antibodies in this fight. Step by step, we move closer to living with COVID-19. Side by side, we will see the daylight after a long dark night.”

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