Arrest Warrant Issued to Teen Who Did Backflip in Rhino Enclosure As He Couldn’t Wake Up for Court Hearings

Remember Ralph?

No, not the Ryan who’s been in the news recently. We’re talking about Ralph, the 19-year-old who was in the news previously for doing a backflip in a rhino enclosure.

It appears that the teenager isn’t just someone who wants some TikTok fame.

Arrest Warrant Issued to Teen Who Did Backflip in Rhino Enclosure As He Couldn’t Wake Up for Court Hearings

A second arrest warrant has been issued to Ralph, and this time, it’s for a reason that even your boss won’t approve of: he was sleeping when he should be attending court hearings.

His lawyer said that he has “difficulties waking up and has been keeping awake for long hours”, and his parents couldn’t wake him up.

And that’s not all: the teenager is now on bail, and it turned out that he has apparently cut his electronic tag.

With the arrest warrant, police officers can enter his house and wake him up to arrest him.

List of Offences

Ralph’s brush with the law isn’t just about rhinos and backflip.

Before today, he was facing six charges, including his other infamous act of killing a frog and vandalizing a bus stop information panel and two cars.

He is also accused of consuming a cannabinol derivative while he was out on bail this year on 6 Aug.

He could now face four more charges, including cutting his electronic tag while on bail.

How the Arrest Warrant Came About

Ralph was supposed to attend a pre-trial conference on Tuesday (2 November), but did not turn up as he couldn’t wake up. There was another hearing today (5 November) but the same thing happened.

The Deputy Public Prosecutor has asked for the bail to be revoked, and Ralph’s lawyer said that while there was a significant improvement in his behaviour and condition, he did not object to revoking the bail.

The reason?

He said, “We explained that there was quite a lot of difficulty in looking after him.”

But since the judge can only issue one order (either an arrest warrant or revoking the bail), the arrest warrant was chosen so police officers can wake him up.

Nevertheless, the judge also ordered a hearing for Ralph’s father to show why they shouldn’t forfeit the $20,000 bail.

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Featured Image: Twitter (@Pengkritique); Instagram (thetwainhavemet)