This Hot Violinist Will Make You Want To Listen To Classical Music

When you think of classical musicians, who do you think of?







They might have passed on but their work is still very much alive today.

I wonder what these music prodigies will think of the current music scene—good thing they are not here to witness it.

These days, all you need is a good body, a knack for rhyming and a camcorder to be the next Youtube sensation.

That’s how Justin Bieber started out.


While most people enjoy a good Nicki Minaj song that has tonnes of euphemism, there are still a handful of people who appreciate classical music, though they might be of a older crowd.

Well, I think that will soon change…

Since it is Thirsty Thursday, it is my honour to present you a hot violinist who will make you want to listen to classical music all day long.

Meet 28-year old Ray Chen.


Born in Taipei, he learnt how to play the violin at the tender age of four and he then proceeded to complete all 10 levels of the Suzuki Music Education in Brisbane in a span of five years.

He won numerous competitions such as the 2008 Yehudi Menuhin International Competition and 2009 Queen Elisabeth Music Competition; and not to mention, he has released his own albums under Sony.


He has a large social media following—54.8k followers on Instagram and 17k subscribers on Youtube and he has been using these platforms to reach out to the younger audience as they tend to find classical musical uncool.

“I’m constantly thinking up new ways to turn that around and social media has been helping a lot since it’s where everyone– especially young people–converges,” he said in an interview.


“By making various videos, often with humour and light-heartedness, I’ve been able to reach a lot of young people around the world who have learnt an instrument, but have probably never been to a classical music concert,” he added.

Buzzfeed dubbed him as “The Hottest Violinist Alive” and we couldn’t agree more!

So keep up with his exciting life on Instagram and Youtube as he chronicles his musical adventures around the world and the latter features funny skits and important pointers for those who are still learning to play the violin.

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