Jayley Woo Gave More Details About Her New Relationship; Said Julie Tan Introduced her Fiancé to Her

In case you have not heard, the former Mediacorp actress Jayley Woo is now engaged and six months pregnant.

The million-dollar question that many kaypoh Singaporeans have is who is this lucky guy and how did they even meet? 

Well, she appeared in a video to address your burning questions on Entertainment Mediacorps’s YouTube channel, hosted by Juin Teh.

Jayley Woo Gave More Details About Her New Relationship, Said Julie Tan Introduced her Fiancé to Her

Her fiancé, whose surname is Tan (so basically is everyone is Singapore lah), works behind the scenes in show business. The pair had been dating for almost a year and he proposed just two months ago.

Jayley revealed that it was actress Julie Tan who introduced them.

Jayley mentioned that she likes how stable he is, how mature he is, and most importantly, how he gets along well with her family members.

She jokingly said, “I’m scared that my parents will be snatched away by him.”

Her Wedding Proposal Came as A Surprise 

Sometimes the best things in life happen when we least expect them.

On the day of her proposal, her friend, who is a makeup artist, wanted her help with a wedding makeup trial.

Unsuspecting much, she told her fiancé about it and he said it is normal for makeup artists to do so.

Upon reaching the venue, she was shocked to see all her loved ones—including her dog, at the scene.


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 Her fiancé then proposed to her and said that it took him more than two weeks to plan it.

The couple plans to register their marriage in December and hold a wedding celebration in 2023.

Coincidentally, the registration will be on Jayley’s birthday, as chosen by her father. They can then celebrate their wedding anniversary and her birthday together, killing two birds with a stone.

Brief Mention of Aloysius Pang 

In the video, Jayley also briefly mentioned Aloysius Pang.

Image: Entertainment – Mediacorp

Many fans and her family members were concerned about her due to her past. However, Jayley mentioned that she decided not to let everyone worry and slowly pick herself up.

Jayley said, “I have been very pessimistic before, I have been very depressed before. But I think time heals all wounds and I’m personally a ‘let nature take its course’ person.”

She also urged those who have been hurt before to “sort out your inner world first and naturally you will have the chance and fate to meet the right person, like in my case.”

Her Plans in the Near Future 

Despite how much she loves acting, Jayley mentioned that she is currently focusing on her pregnancy. Once she has given birth, she will most likely be a housewife to look after her daughter.

Once she is more stable, she will consider taking up acting gigs again.

She also mentioned that she will continue taking up social media gigs for her daily expenses (including diapers and milk powder of course).

You can watch the full video here:

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Featured Image: Entertainment – Mediacorp & jiaqiwoo / Instagram.com