M’sian Woman Went to an Event in a Mall Without Bra & Blouse, Leading to an Investigation by the Authorities

Last Updated on 2022-08-13 , 8:38 am

While we Singaporeans had our own fair share of surprises and news on National Day this year, it seems like our neighbours across the causeway had their own set of news to deal with as well.

In particular, the state of Kedah was taken by complete shock after images of a woman clad in just a blazer for a top were uploaded on social media.

And if you’re wondering what’s wrong with wearing a blazer, the blazer was unbuttoned.

The individual in question, who wore a green blazer and matching long pants, took photos in front of a billboard-like wall with the words “Kedah Fashion Week 2022” printed on it.

Kedah Fashion Week, which took place at Aman Central mall in Alor Setar this year, was held between 5 and 7 August earlier this month.

After the photos were shared on social media on 9 August, many Malaysian netizens expressed their disapproval of the lady’s attire, especially in a mostly conservative state like Kedah.

“This is Kedah, not Paris or the Met Gala,” one social media user wrote.

Others were amused to hear that Kedah even had a fashion week of its own.

According to various Malaysian news outlets, netizens also began making comments regarding the woman, with some pointing out that she might not be a “real woman”.

“Real women will not be so brave as to have their ‘assets’ on display,” one netizen commented.

Authorities Called In to Investigate Matter

And if you think that the discussion and buzz online were all that happened before the issue inevitably died down, you couldn’t be more wrong.

On 9 August, the same day when the pictures began being circulated on social media, Kedah Health and Local Government Committee chairman Mohd Hayati Othman took to Facebook to make an announcement regarding the incident.

Calling the clothes that the models wore “eye-catching”, he revealed that a complaint against the event had been lodged with him and his party.

“My party will call the organisers, ask for an explanation and act accordingly,” he wrote.

In particular, he also clarified that the organisers of the event failed to apply for a permit or obtain permission from local authorities to carry out the event.

Meanwhile, it seems like most of the Malaysian public is fully welcoming the actions taken, for many netizens left comments of support and praise for the chairman’s decision.

Organiser’s Response

On the other hand, Aman Central mall, the organiser of the event, uploaded an apology on Facebook yesterday (10 August) morning, a day after the photos were circulated widely all over social media.

In the post, which was posted in both English and Malay, the mall apologised for a guest’s inappropriate attire.

“We wish to clarify that management did advise all guests to wear properly, however the challenges were unsurmountable, hence would like to apologise that we have missed out to screen all the guests during the show,” the apology read.

Apart from that, the mall added that the event “is not related to the Kedah state government in any way, but is the mall’s internal event that has been ongoing since 2016”.

Last but not least, Aman Central mall also explained that it had “indeed applied for all permits” that were required for them to hold the event, and said that it would “reinforce procedures” to reduce the likelihood of similar incidents occurring in the future.

The mall stressed that they would reinforce measures pertaining to procedures to prevent such incidents from happening again.

However, it seems like the apology was far from well-received by members of the public, with some netizens’ comments questioning how the event even got approved in the first place.

“Already know this program is controversial.. still doing it… Hope the Kedah government takes serious action,” another Facebook user wrote in Malay.

Person in Viral Photos Apparently Not Fashion Show Guest

While the mall apologised for how one of its guests was dressed, Hayati and his team soon discovered something through the investigations.

In a Facebook post uploaded yesterday (10 August) afternoon, he announced that the person featured in the now-viral photos was not a guest invited by the fashion week event.

Instead, she was just an individual who took photos of herself posing in front of the billboard and other structures that were set up for the event.

“The actions of the individual in question are believed to be personal actions taken after the fashion show event in question has ended,” he added.

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Apart from that, he also wrote that the individual in the photos is apparently a “maknyah”, which is a term used to refer to transgender women.

Based on the post, Hayati said that the individual likely “acts like a model, poses in inappropriate clothing, takes photos and videos and [uploads] it on social media”.

He then announced that the state’s government will be carrying out the relevant actions against this individual, and that it “also intends to study to simplify the small rules related to entertainment and performances in order to better comply with the cultural customs and manners of the State of Kedah”.

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Featured Image: Twitter (@mohdxanuar)