KFC’s Latest Facebook Announcement Will Make You Forget About #SMRTBreakdowns

Previously on KFC…

KFC had released a teaser image of their up-and-coming burger, and Singaporeans were hyped about it. It looked like an old fan-favourite, the very sinful Double Down Burger.

Image: KFC Facebook Page

KFC unveiled the mystery burger, but it wasn’t what anybody was expecting.

Hopes were dashed, laughter became silent and everyone’s excitement evaporated faster than an ice cube in Steven Seagal’s armpit. 

Image: KFC Singapore Facebook Page

Now, KFC has another surprise for us.

The majority of people at Goody Feed were like, “Please take that monstrosity away. Please be a troll. I don’t like being trolled, but I would rather be trolled than have that steamed chicken abomination be a reality.”

Image: memegenerator.net

Well, it looks like their prayers(and probably yours as well) have been answered.

Gotcha! 😆 We LOVE how you love our Double Down. So, here it is – along with our NEW Hawaiian flavour. Available in stores tomorrow, 18 August 2017. By the way, we also prefer to stay as KFC 😉 #SorryNotSorryWatch the real deal @ po.st/Double-Down

Posted by KFC on Thursday, 17 August 2017

Image: KFC Singapore Facebook Page
Image: KFC Singapore Facebook Page
Image: giphy.com

What did the Netizens think about this latest move by KFC?

Image: KFC Singapore Facebook Page
Image: KFC Singapore Facebook Page

And there were some who have had enough of being taken for a ride and was paranoid AF.

And there were some a tad bit concerned about the disappearance of the steamed chicken burger.

Image: KFC Singapore Facebook Page

What about you? Are you down for the Hawaiian Double Down? Or are you saddened by the disappearance of your ‘clean diet’ steamed chicken burger?

In the meantime, Goody Feed will be eating the burger and be like…

Image: Askideas.com

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Feature Image: KFC Facebook Page

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com