Do You Know WhatsApp Was Down for About ½ Hour Again at 2:00 a.m. This Morning?

Just last month, Singaporeans experienced an epidemic of sorts—okay, I might be exaggerating but what can I say I have a flair for the theatrics.

On 3 Nov, WhatsApp had a glitch and people were freaking the **** out, especially in the office.

My boss was swinging his phone around in hopes to “catch” some 4G connection, my colleague was restarting his phone countless times and I was sending SOS FB messages to my friends to check if our Friday night plans are still on.


Yeah, the office was in utter chaos until the service was back up 45 minutes later.

Never ever would I want to experience something like that.

But in life, you have to be prepared for the worst.

On 30 Nov, WhatsApp mentioned that users around the world had been unable to access their service for a short period of time, The Straits Times reported.

According to The Independent UK, the issue started around 6 P.M. GMT (2 A.M. local time)

Users from Europe, South America, the Middle East and Asia were affected.



The last time I checked, Singapore is part of Asia!

Oops, Singaporeans were affected (again)!

I guess I didn’t notice the glitch since I was soundly asleep at 2 A.M.

But apparently, Singaporeans were having trouble sending messages from 10:15 A.M., The Straits Times reported.

I didn’t notice it either, ‘coz you know I was busy doing work—the thing you’re supposed to do when you’re in the office.

Let’s take a look at


As you can tell from the graph, there were two peaks—1622 reports of problem around 3 A.M. and 540 reports of problem at 10:00 A.M.

Judging from the comments, it looks like people from all parts of Singapore were affected—Jurong, MacPherson, One-north, Thomson, Yishun (not surprised), MBS and Bukit Batok (our home!)

As of writing time, WhatsApp is up and running.

My heart can’t take anymore scares.

Whatsapp also said: “WhatsApp users around the world are unable to access the service. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working to fix the issue as soon as possible.”

Maybe it is because of all the cool upgrades?


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