Lady Who Used to Work in S’pore Did a Jay Chou Song Cover & Got Noticed By The Superstar

Everyone knows that it is a dream to get noticed by your favourite celebrity.

Sometimes they like your Instagram dedicated post to them, (you thought) they wink at you during their concert…things like that.

Image: Tenor GIF Keyboard

We have all heard of stories where fans become “successful” in getting the attention of their faves.

But how many actually gets acknowledged and complimented on the stars’ social media account?

Just hours after Jay Chou released his long-awaited-for new single “Waiting For You”, this girl did a cover of it and uploaded the now viral video on the Internet.

It wasn’t long before the King of Mandopop, Jay Chou himself, shared the video and complimented her voice.

Image: Jay Chou Facebook Page

What an accomplishment for her!

This girl studied music and loves to play the piano and compose songs.

She once had a high-paying job in Singapore but gave it up to pursue her music dreams.

Her friends and family didn’t support her, but she still hope to bring wonderful music to people.


Meanwhile at Goody Feed…we have our own cover too, wonder if Jay Chou will come and like?

Have friends who often show off online? Or are you the one doing it? If so, you need to watch this video we’ve done (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel):

This article was first published on

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