M1 Collaborating with a Bike-sharing Firm to Curb Errant Bike Parking

Bike-sharing services such as Ofo, Gbikes and SG Bike are the “in” thing now, and it is definitely a great concept.

From reducing your carbon footprint to helping you keep fit, I can see why it is so popular.

But the government started realising a pressing issue—people started to park the bikes haphazardously or dumping them at odd places.

Remember the couple who threw the oBikes in the canal?

So to mitigate the situation, the government added more than 4,000 yellow bicycle parking boxes last year.

Image: Land Transport Authority

Bike-sharing operators also started using geo-fencing technology to curb the problem since they are required by LTA to remove bicycles that are indiscriminately-parked within half a day.

Image: ubergizmo.com

Problem solved?

Well, not really, I still see bikes at godforsaken places…

Image: popkey.co

So, now, one of the bike-sharing operators, SG Bike will be pairing up with telco company, M1, to use their specific network, NB-loT.

In the joint press release, they mentioned that the network will enhance SG Bike’s current geostation technology as they will be able to monitor the bikes real-time.

Unlike geo-fencing which uses GPS coordinates, geostation technology uses Radio-frequency identification (RFID) which provides greater accuracy.

This technology will also benefit the users, providing them with an accurate data of bicycle location and availability

Chief Executive Officer of SG Bike, Mr Albert Teng mentioned that SG Bike has currently over 1,300 geostations installed nationwide!

So let’s hope that this will ensure people will park these shared bikes properly and hopefully other bike-sharing operators will jump on the bandwagon.

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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Featured image: SG Bike Facebook