Former PM Mahathir Hospitalised Again, His Second Time in a Month

Dr Mahathir recently gave his supporters a scare when he was admitted to, and then discharged from, the hospital. And it has happened again, in less than a month.

But not to worry, as it is not all bad news.

Former Malaysian PM Mahathir Hospitalised for “Elective Medical Procedure”

Former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohamad, released a statement yesterday (7 January) that he has been admitted into the National Heart Institute (IJN). He’s been hospitalised for an elective medical procedure.

The IJN is a heart surgery centre, located next to the Kuala Lumpur hospital.

Due to Malaysia’s current measures for COVID-19, no visitors are allowed. No other details were provided.

His Second Hospitalisation in a Month

He was also hospitalised in the IJN less than a month ago on 16 December, where he underwent observation and a full medical check-up.

A second statement was released on 21 December, stating that Dr Mahathir was ready to be discharged. His team of doctors has “completed all the necessary investigations for his medical check-up” and were also “satisfied with the results”.

It would seem as if that was the last hospitalisation in the near future, but his second hospitalisation proved us wrong.

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Heart Troubles in the Past

Although we have little details of Dr Mahathir’s admission, we know that he has suffered heart troubles in the past.

He’s had three heart attacks—one in 1989, and two in 2006. He had also undergone one bypass surgery at Kuala Lumpur Hospital in 1989, and another one at IJN in 2007.

Dr Mahathir had previously been hospitalised several times for chest infection as well. The most recent one was in 2018 where he was admitted to the IJN.

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Featured Image: Abdul Razak Latif /