Man Eat Full Nothing To Do, Go Vandalize Police Cameras

Good morning folks, and welcome to another episode of:

“101 ways to get yourself into trouble”!


Last week, we found out that throwing oBikes into the drains is a surefire way to get yourself in trouble! (Especially when there’s a Stomper nearby!)

A friendly reminder to only use only your own bikes as offerings! (The show shall not be held responsible for any repercussions your actions may bring)


Today, we turn our cameras to Block 212 of Boon Lay Place. During a maintenance check on 27 Nov, the exteriors of police cameras at said location were found to be burnt!

The reason(s) as to why anybody would want to burn police cameras are simply beyond me! After all, don’t the cameras help keep us safe?

That is, unless you’re a criminal who is attempting something shady in the area!


After looking through the images caught on the police cameras and conducting ground enquiries, a 52 year old man has been arrested for allegedly vandalizing the cameras!

On top of that, the arrest was done within two hours! (Kudos to our police force!)

That being said, since his face was caught on camera, I don’t think our suspect is a very good at being a criminal!

Just for your info, anyone found guilty of vandalism can be jailed up to 3 years and fined up to $2000!

That’s not all! Repeat offenders can also receive between three and eight strokes of the cane!


The suspect will be charged in court this Wednesday! (Which is today!)

I don’t know about you, but I am interested to know his reasons for burning the camera!

However, thanks to the suspect, at least we now know that the police cameras aren’t just dummy cameras!

And that’s all for today! Stay tuned next week (or earlier, if we manage to find more methods to get yourself in trouble) for more episodes of “101 ways to get yourself into trouble”!


Since you’re here, why not watch a video about an NTU student who went all out to impress his crush, only to end up in…tragedy? Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!

This article was first published on

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