Man Survives Fall from 7th Storey in Sembawang Construction Site

Last Updated on 2022-12-15 , 4:33 pm

Accidents can happen in the workplace, especially when your job involves physical work. 

While there are safety procedures to bar us from being injured, sometimes our fate slips through the grates of protection and into the arms of danger. 

Such was the case of a construction worker in Sembawang

Man Falls from 7th Storey in Sembawang Construction Site

Seven is a lucky number for many, but not for this man. 

On Monday (12 December), a worker at a construction site in Gambas Way fell seven storeys. 

Fortunately, he survived the incident.

He was immediately sent to the hospital and is now in stable condition. 

According to The Straits Times, a spokesperson for the construction company, SoilBuild Construction Group, said the company is currently conducting a thorough investigation into the matter. 

“Our workers and employees are essential to us, and we are rendering our utmost support to the worker in question as he recuperates.”

According to SCDF, they were alerted to the scene at around 10.05 am, and the man was soon brought to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital. 

Seven is the Unlucky Number

In a separate incident, the number seven appeared again. 

Uncannily enough, it also affected migrant workers. 

On 25 September 2022, a false ceiling in seven North Coast Lodge Dormitory rooms collapsed. 

Around 100 residents were affected, with two suffering minor injuries. 

According to the Ministry of Manpower, the incident occurred because of “heavy rain and strong winds,” leading to water leakage. 

Fortunately, this incident saw no significant injuries.

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Workplace Fatalities

As of November, there have been 43 reported workplace fatality cases, higher than last year’s 37.

Construction remains the top contributor to fatal workplace injuries, with ten deaths in the first half of 2022 (out of 28).

Sector aside, vehicular incidents and falls from heights contribute to 50% of the total fatalities recorded.

Surprisingly, another significant contributor was slips, trips, and falls in the workplace.

Fortunately, in this construction case at Sembawang, the total workplace fatal injuries number didn’t go up.

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Featured Image: The Straits Times + SoilBuild Group Holdings Ltd