Man Threw Household Items & Paint Cans From Boon Keng HDB, Damaged Three Cars Horrendously

We have all heard of high-rise littering.

I’ve personally got hit by a small chunk of a bamboo pole while walking under an HDB flat.

I have no idea where it was thrown from and immediately ran for shelter.

You never know what’s next!

But there are always people who have it worse.

Just yesterday, a 57-year-old man was arrested after he was reported to be throwing household items and cans of paint from his flat.

This incident happened at Blk 15 of Upper Boon Keng Road.

The police were alerted to the incident at 10.20am.

No injuries were reported, according to Channel NewsAsia.

As you can see from the picture below, that’s some real damage done…

Image: CNA

Items were thrown from the fourth floor and hit three cars below.

The car park in the area was cordoned off during the incident.

The police had to conduct forcible entry into the flat.

They arrested the man for committing a rash act and under the Mental Health Act.

Image: CNA
This one how to recover???
Image: CNA
Literally a new coat of paint…

The SCDF set up two lifepaks and deployed a rescue net while carrying out the operation.

Image: CNA

Police investigations are ongoing.

What an eventful CNY it has been so far, no?


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Featured Image: CNA