Man Went Apeshit After Not Getting Paid On Time, Beat Up Boss’s Son & Burnt Colleague’s Car

There are three things you should never tell a man: he’s like a girl; his package is too small to be gift-wrapped; his salary will be delayed.

Incidentally, I’m not kidding about the last point.

Or at least, this construction worker certainly wasn’t.

After being informed of his salary’s delay by the site manager, he didn’t just rage.

He actually set his friend’s car on fire.

And I’m not even kidding.

What happened?

The incident occurred just recently.

A construction worker in Sibu was informed by the site manager, who’s also the employer’s son, that his salary will be delayed. It transpired at roughly 3:50 p.m. in the afternoon.

Which isn’t good news no matter how you go about it, but the construction worker, a man in his 30s, chose to take it hard. Real hard.

And being drunk evidently didn’t help much either.

The man channeled his inner Mike Tyson as he beat up his poor friend, who was kind enough to offer consolation, with a broomstick, and threw a brick towards his wife’s stomach.

Image: Imgflip

And I’m just scraping the surface.

The evidently agonized man proceeded to strike the 24-year-old manager site with an iron rod, injuring his head and left arm. He then set his friend‘s car on fire before escaping from the crime scene.

Image: Utusan Borneo

At around 4:16 p.m., the fire department came to their rescue upon a call for assistance from the site. The firemen managed to extinguish the fire before it spread.

Kudos, our fire warriors!

However, the damage was done. The Perodua Kancil was revealed to be 85 per cent burnt, and the loss incurred is estimated at RM12,000.

Although there’s still cause for consolation; the accused’s friend and the wife were only lightly injured.

Image: Utusan Borneo
Image: Utusan Borneo

Manhunt; no, not Manhunt 2018

A man-hunt has since been launched to apprehend the suspect, according to District Chief Police ACP Zaillanni Amit.

The chief also confirmed that the case will be investigated under Section 324/435 of the Penal code for “intentionally hurting victims with a broomstick and an iron rod, and causing a treacherous fire to the car”.

Advice for the bosses

One word of advice, current and potential bosses; never neglect your employees’ welfare.

Or you might just encounter someone like the aforementioned construction worker. And trust me; you don’t want that.

Alternatively, you can watch this video to learn how to be a respectable and prominent boss.

10 Things Your Boss Can’t Get You to Do in S'pore

Do you know that your boss can’t just ‘anyhow anyhow’ deduct your salary if you’re late for work? Here’re ten things your boss can’t do (Watch with sound for the best viewing experience!).Watch more videos here: videos at Goody Feed TV – Singapore

Posted by Goody Feed TV – Singapore on Thursday, 4 January 2018

Have a great day ahead then! 🙂

Since you’re here, why not watch a video about a guy who lodged a Police report here in Singapore because he was friendzoned? Seriously. Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!

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Image: Utusan Borneo