Boss Rejected Leave Application So Man Killed the Boss

I‘ve been seeing a lot of death cases in the news recently.

In Singapore, a 28-year-old lady passed away after experiencing numbness and headache during a karaoke session on 12 December. While another incident saw a family of 4 caught in an accident while on vacation in Arizona, with only 1 sole survivor.

Let’s also not forget the unexpected suicide of K-pop superstar, Jonghyun of SHINee, which took many by surprise.

All these upsetting news just go to show how fragile life is, just like this Indian supervisor who got killed by his subordinate because he rejected his leave request.

Here are the details

A 25-year-old Pakistani technician was reported to have requested a leave from his Indian supervisor, but his application was rejected a week before the incident.


Fast forward to the day of the incident, the 25-year-old again asked his supervisor regarding his request. But instead of giving a reply, his supervisor ignored his question.

Now, that’s where things get heated. The Pakistani technician then took a sharp knife and stabbed his supervisor in the chest and stomach, according to court records.


That’s not all.

He also tried to attack a fellow coworker with the same knife at the crime scene that took place in a labor accommodation in Jebel Ali.

Thankfully, this coworker managed to dodge the knife, gripped his hands, forcing him to drop the knife.

Latest Update

The 25-year-old has since admitted to prosecutors that he stabbed his supervisor after a heated argument. But according to the police, he killed the supervisor over work-related and accommodation conflicts.

Medical records have confirmed that the victim died of wounds in the lungs and liver and the case is adjourned to 14 January.

While this incident may seem absurd to some, there is no doubt that unhappiness will arise due to a rejected leave application.

Let’s know our rights

While annual leave is an entitlement, a company has the right to reject an employee’s annual leave due to manpower shortage etc.

According to the Ministry of Manpower, you are not required by law to provide a reason for taking annual leave. But also understand that if you’re taking leave during a peak period at work, explaining your circumstances or reasons would help in reaching a consensus.

And of course, if you have already confirmed the dates for that long awaited holiday, informing your boss as early as you can would aid the management in approving your request.

As for the bosses out there, please understand that your employees aren’t robots. Even robots need “rest” and maintenance. Annual leave is important for your employees’ well-being on the whole.

Happy employees = productive employees. And if you really have to reject your employees’ annual leave entitlement, do you provide them with valid reasons?

Never ignore.


Since you’re here, why not watch a video about a guy who lodged a Police report here in Singapore because he was friendzoned? Seriously. Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!

This article was first published on

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