Man Siam Wheel Clamp Penalty Like A Boss

We all know the use of a wheel clamp, don’t we? It is designed to prevent vehicles from being moved and used mainly on unauthorized or illegal parking.

While most drivers would complain first then pay the release fee to have the wheel clamp removed… not all will do the same. At least one guy we now know. Here’s the story, and 3 videos.

What happened?

This guy from Cheras, a district of KL, Malaysia did the unthinkable.

From the video taken, we can see the guy trying his very best to remove the clamped front right wheel of his Hyundai Matrix.

His hard work eventually paid off because he succeeded removing it all by himself without the help of any authorized personnel. Of course, the poor wheel was removed altogether with the clamp.

But not to worry because we all know he had a ‘happy ending’. Here goes ‘operation get-my-wheel-back‘.

He skillfully separated the wheel from the clamp like he has done it a hundred times before.


Then, he rolled the wheel back to his car and attached it back on.

The videos have gone viral on Facebook, gaining 2.1K likes / reactions and 23.7K shares and the time of writing and most of the netizens who left their comments were amused and encouraged by his actions.

Image: KL吹水站 Facebook Page

A couple of them even tagged their friends / significant other, asking them to ‘learn’ from the legend.

Image: KL吹水站 Facebook Page
Image: KL吹水站 Facebook Page

While this may be a laughing matter and some find it amusing, please take note that the man is in trouble with the law, especially since the video has gone viral now.

What are your thoughts? Singapore boleh?

Since you’re here, why not watch a video about a guy who lodged a Police report here in Singapore because he was friendzoned? Seriously. Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!

This article was first published on

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