Man Grabbed Knife from Carrefour & Started Assaulting Others, Including an Arsenal Player

A 46-year-old man suddenly grabbed a knife from a supermarket shelf and stabbed five people, killing one and wounding four others, in a shopping centre near Milan Thursday.

Among the six victims was the on-loan Arsenal footballer Pablo Mari.

It is believed that the Italian assailant is suffering from psychological problems, reported ANSA news agency.

He was arrested immediately after the attack at Assago, on the outskirts of Milan.

What Happened?

Reportedly, the 46-year-old man took a knife from a shelf in a Carrefour supermarket in the mall and started attacking people at random.

The motive for the attacks is unknown, but the police and media have ruled out terrorism.

Mari, who is on loan to the Serie A club Monza from Arsenal, was among the four wounded.

Arsenal has since made a statement on Twitter, writing, “Our thoughts are with Pablo Mari and the other victims of today’s dreadful incident in Italy. We have been in contact with Pablo’s agent who has told us he’s in the hospital and is not seriously hurt.”

The Serie A club’s chief executive, Adriano Galliani, has also provided an update on Mari’s condition via Sky Italy.

He stated that Mari suffered a fairly deep wound on his back, but it did not touch his vital organs. The Arsenal player is expected to make a quick recovery.

Galliani added that Mari was punched in the face before he was stabbed in the back, but he was “saved” by his 6-foot 4 frame.

Mari is scheduled to undergo a minor back surgery tomorrow to reduce the damage caused by the stab.

Unfortunately, a male supermarket worker in his thirties was killed by the attacker. He died en route to the hospital.

His death in the Assago attack was subsequently confirmed by his company Carrefour.

Image: Reuters

According to ANSA, three other victims were in serious condition, while another person was treated for shock but not hospitalised.

The Carrefour supermarket chain stated that the police and ambulance paramedics immediately responded to the calls alerting them about the attack. It has also expressed its sympathies to the employees and customers affected by the attack, and added that it will be offering psychological support to them.

Witnesses told the media that the gravity of the situation did not set in until they saw people fleeing the supermarket in fear. The store employees had pulled down the shutters as well.

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Featured Image: Reuters & Twitter