Mookata in Golden Mile Restaurant Caught Fire As Diner Didn’t Know How to Operate Stove

Thai food can get pretty spicy, but nobody ever expects it to be this hot.

TikTok (@gavinkwok77)

Yesterday (14 August), a small fired broke out on one of the tables at a Mookata store located in Golden Mile Complex.

The video capturing the fiery catastrophe, uploaded by TikTok user @gavinkwok77, has garnered over 280k views since it was posted yesterday afternoon.

It shows one of the tables in the barbeque hot pot restaurant being set on fire.

What’s under it is likely the portable stove, along with whatever chaoda (burnt) food is left.

The other diners in the vicinity evacuated their seats as well, probably out of fear of being burnt.

But if we learnt anything about how people behave when there’s a crack in the ceiling of a mall, public disasters usually become free entertainment for curious onlookers.

So everyone stayed to watch the show.

TikTok (@gavinkwok77)

Nobody Knew How to Put it Out

Various attempts were made by diners to put out the fire.

One person threw a cloth over it, but the flames raged on.

TikTok (@gavinkwok77)

In the corner of the video, some others could be seen fiddling with a fire extinguisher for quite some time.

TikTok (@gavinkwok77)

They gave up after awhile, though we’re sure the fire was put out eventually.

As per internet norms, all the firefighters in the comments section fired away (get it) with their criticism of how the fire was handled.

That was a rag, but ok.

Customer was Clueless on How to Operate the Stove

8 World spoke with a staff of the Mookata store where the incident took place, and he confirmed that the accident happened in the afternoon yesterday, and that it was due to one of their customers not being familiar with how to operate the stove.

The diner did not ask the store staff for assistance, which was what resulted in the incident.

So as a reminder to the rest of us: When in doubt, ask for help.

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Featured Image: TikTok (@gavinkwok77)