M’sian Who Promised a Vios & RM500 Now Ups His Offer…But It’s Still Ridiculous

Remember this guy?

Image: 江昭上Facebook Page

If you don’t, there’s no need to worry, because I nearly did too. Until my chief editor tasked me to pen an article on him… again.

But let me just get you up to date.

Just last week, this over-qualified bachelor, whose name is 江昭上, uploaded a video to Facebook:

Looking for a wife

Posted by 江昭上 on Thursday, 7 December 2017

In the video, he asked Netizens to recommend him a nice girl who will stay at home all day and cook rice for him. In return, he was willing to offer her a brand new Vios vehicle and a monthly allowance of RM500.

Stuff of dreams, right?

Unsurprisingly, Netizens responded with roaring vigour, with many of them requesting for him to look for a maid agency instead.

Looking for wife V2.0

It seems that the charming alpha male is not giving up just yet, as he has upgraded his system with the all new Lookingforwife V2.0 expansion pack.

And this time, he has upped the stakes.

Still looking for wife

Posted by 江昭上 on Tuesday, 19 December 2017

If you don’t speak or comprehend Chinese, don’t worry.

The dude basically regurgitated everything he said in the first video, with one slight difference:

Instead of RM500, he’s now prepared to offer his future wife a sum of RM800.

Image: Imgflip


Naturally, the offer was greeted with a standing ovation… so to speak.

Image: 江昭上Facebook Page
Image: 江昭上Facebook Page

Although to be fair, he did have an offer of his own.

Image: 江昭上Facebook Page

And one was even kind enough to give him a life lesson.

Image: 江昭上Facebook Page


However, the fact’s that it could have all been sealed and done.

Just last week, 江昭上 “proposed” to Facebook user Bryan Wee.

Forever Love – 王力红 & Bryan Wee

嫁给我吗, Bryan Wee ?

Posted by 江昭上 on Saturday, 16 December 2017

However, I guess we all know how it went.

*Sniffs* Still a better love story than Pokemon.


But you have to wonder; why is he going for a wife on Facebook?

According to his Facebook profile, he studied Law at University of Leicester, England and if his description is to be believed, his full time job is a lawyer right now.

Now I’m not sure about a lot of things, but I’m pretty sure chicks dig lawyers. After all, they look good all the time, and rake in the cookie dough. Life ain’t gonna get any better than that.

To top it all off, he seems to have done some work in the Entertainment sector too.

Image: 江昭上

Geezus dude…

You’re like the guy every guy wants to be…!

Image: Giphy.com

So what are you waiting for?

If you’ve always wanted to wed a lawyer, this is your chance.

If you’ve always wanted to wed a lawyer who’s real entertainingthis is your chance.

If you’ve always wanted to wed a lawyer who’s real entertaining AND is giving you a brand new Vios and a monthly allowance of RM800, take the chance now!

Because let’s face it; it’s only a matter of time before someone throws herself at him (just look at Steven Lim).

So do it now!

Don’t say laobu bo jio ah!

Since you’re here, why not watch a video about an NTU student who went all out to impress his crush, only to end up in…tragedy? Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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Featured image: Facebook (江昭上)