There Are Fake Messages of ‘NDP Angbao’ That Even Use Singlish to Make it Sound Legit


If scammers can try to impersonate the Ministry of Health for COVID-19-related matters, there is really very little that they will not resort to.

As it turns out, there is a National Day Special too.

Claim Your NDP Cookies?

Recently, there has been another SMS phishing scam going around, pretending to be the NDP 2022 Committee.

Nice try.

Although the NDP Organising Committee screwed up when they tried to get buskers to perform for free, they are generally professional and they would never stoop to these levels.

Image: (NDPeeps)

The first message sounds like those random betting or loan spam messages that you would get once in a while.

It talks about receiving NDP cookies first and somehow connects it to giving out 57 free credits for NDP.

What are those credits for and what currency is it in? No one knows, but that’s not the main point.

The most incomprehensible part about the messages would be the “HISO 33 promises 100% NO DEPOSIT needed!”, because what does that even mean?

Why would anyone need to put in a deposit for something that’s supposed to be free in the first place?

There are so many questions in two short messages, but so little answers.

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Anyway, whoever the writer of the message is, they are clearly Singaporean because the combination of their bad spelling, the dash of Hokkien and random acronyms makes their identity unmistakable.

As a general rule of thumb, just don’t click on random links, especially if they don’t have a preview.

A police report has been made, and members of the public are advised to exercise caution to avoid becoming victims to scams.

It’s sad that this isn’t the real dark side, or else there would be real cookies too.

You can watch this video to know more about scams in Singapore, too:


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