It’ll Not Be as Rainy in the Last 2 Weeks of November

It has almost become a ritual for us to see it rain almost every day. An umbrella probably has probably more importance than a phone these days (okay that was an exaggeration).

Large-scale convergences of winds over Singapore and the surrounding vicinity led to the development of several Sumatra squalls that brought widespread showers and gusty winds between the early and pre-dawn hours on many days.

For many of us, the best feeling was sleeping comfortably on our cozy beds, mummifying ourself with our blankets, knowing there is a heavy rain outside.

The Sumatra squall which brought gusty winds and heavy thundery showers in the early hours of 14 November 2022 resulted in a daily total rainfall of 157.2mm recorded around the Jurong West area according to Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS).

This was the highest daily total rainfall for the first half of the month.

Indeed life was a bliss as the temperature never went up above 33 degree Celsius.

Well, not exactly, it did hit 34.3 degree Celsius at Paya Lebar on 4 November.

Any guesses on what was the lowest temperature of Singapore’s winter season?

It was 21.8 degree Celsius on 5 November at Jurong West.

In fact, it rained so much that the rainfall was well above-average for most parts of Singapore, except in the southern part where it was slightly below average.

While the highest rainfall was at Woodlands at 124 per cent above average, the lowest was at 15 per cent below average at Sentosa.

The Second Half of the Month

So, will the cold season continue for the rest of the month as we approach Christmas?

The temperature range seems to be roughly around the same between 24 degrees Celsius and 33 degrees Celsius on most days but may reach around 34 degrees Celsius on a few days.

The low-level winds which blew in the southwest or west direction will now blow in the northeast or northwest direction. This change in monsoonal winds signal the start of the Northeast Monsoon season which typically extends into March 2023.

Readers: Okay, so what does this mean for us?

In the second half of the month, short-duration thundery showers are expected on some days in the afternoon and may extend into the evening on a few days.

So there are less rain compared to the first two weeks of November.

The low-pressure systems developing over the northern South China Sea earlier this month are forecast to bring a temporary shift in the winds to blow from the southwest or west over Singapore.

This may result in the passage of Sumatra squalls bringing widespread thundery showers with occasional gusty winds over Singapore between the early hours and early morning on a few days.

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