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There’s a S’pore Dating Service for ‘Elites’ Who Earn At Least $12.5K a Month

I’ve always wondered how rich people date. Do they have their meals in MBS, go up the Singapore Flyer for an #OODT and if the...

8 Best-est & Popular Chips Sold in S’pore Because Binge-Watching + Potato Chips =...

It's Friday night in and you've finally got time to yourself. What does this call for? Netflix and chill, of course! And by chilling,...

Running Man Members All Suffered Slipped Disc & Went Through Surgical Procedures Just for...

Back in the good old days when Netflix hasn’t landed in Singapore and video-streaming services aren’t mature, we were all watching Running Man but...

Some Companies in S’pore Give More Than 6 Months Paid Leave for New Parents

Is there really work-life balance in Singapore? It's very likely you'd be scoffing at this very thought, "Nah...all companies want to do is to earn...

Woman Lost 10 Years of Memory After Pooping Too Forcefully & There’s a Scientific...

Constipation. We have all been in that position before. You know you have not eaten enough fibres. You have not shat (yes, that is a...

SMU Prof Gave All Students ‘A’ for a Module to Prove a Point; SMU...

Imagine you own a school, and in one module, you see that everyone has got an “A”. Either the lecturer/professor is one heck of a...

Trevor Noah Coming to S’pore for Stand-Up Show in August 2019

Calling all fellow Trevor Noah fans! As part of his Loud and Clear Tour, Trevor is coming to Singapore for a show in August this...

Housewife Managed to Scam 53 Victims of S$35.4m with Ponzi Schemes

So imagine we all have a decent amount of savings but it is not enough to buy a house entirely. If we were to pool...

S’pore Red Cross is Urgently Requesting for O+ Donors; Here Are 6 Reasons Why...

You. Yeah you, reading this right now. I just wanna tell you that you look pretty good and are somebody's type. I also want to tell...

M’sia Teenager Committed Suicide After People Voted for Her to ‘Die’ On Instagram

There is no reason why any teen or anyone for that matter should be committing suicide. Reading about suicide always leaves me with a sense...