Health Minister: Recent Surge in COVID-19 Cases Won’t Lead to Readjustment of SMMs

With the recent relaxation of most COVID-19 restrictions, you’ve probably noticed that there’s been a rise in COVID-19 cases as of late.

But it seems like that won’t be affecting the current restrictions, at least not until a new variant appears (touch wood about that though).

Just yesterday (12 May), Health Minister Ong Ye Kung uploaded a Facebook post to address the current COVID-19 situation, specifically how the increase in COVID-19 cases will affect our lives for now.

In his post, he assured Singaporeans that the COVID-19 restrictions are here to stay for now, and that there are no plans to bring back Safe Management Measures (SMMs) as of late.

“The community cases are rising, but not doubling every few days. So there is no evidence of a new wave. The rise is also expected, given that we opened up social activities almost fully since 26 April,” he explained.

Since 26 April, there has been no limit on the maximum number of people allowed in a social gathering. TraceTogether and SafeEntry check-ins have also ceased for most venues, and the maximum capacity of large events have been increased as well.

The health minister also touched on the state of the COVID-19 cases, as well as their impact on the healthcare system in Singapore.

“Most cases show mild symptoms and recover uneventfully at home. Our hospitals and ICUs are also not seeing a rise of severe COVID-19 cases.

“With strong resilience to the virus due to vaccinations and recovery from past infections, we should be able to see through this uptick of cases, without any adjustments to current SMMs,” he predicted.

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“Of course, we will continue to monitor closely, as things can change very quickly, especially if a new variant was to emerge. So even as we enjoy this period of respite, we must not let our guard down and should continue to exercise personal and social responsibility at all times,” he concluded.

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